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《商务部:中国外资统计公报2024(118页).pdf》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《商务部:中国外资统计公报2024(118页).pdf(118页珍藏版)》请在本站上搜索。 1、中国外资统计公报2024中华人民共和国商务部 目录 1目 录一、2023年中国外商投资综述1二、外商投资行业分布2(一)外商投资产业分布2(二)外商投资行业分布2三、外商投资区域分布4(一)外商投资地区分布4(二)外商投资省份分布5四、外商投资来源地分布7(一)主要投资来源地在华投资情况7(二)欧盟在华投资情况10(三)东盟在华投资情况11(四)“金砖国家”在华投资情况12(五)“一带一路”共建国家在华投资情况13五、外商投资运行情况14(一)固定资产投资情况14(二)规模以上工业增加值情况14(三)规模以上工业企业经营情况15(四)进出口情况17六、全球跨境直接投资情况18(一)全球 FDI2、 流动情况18(二)全球 FDI 规模前 10 位国家(地区)18 2 中国外资统计公报 2024(三)全球 ODI 规模前 10 位国家(地区)19(四)世界各区域 FDI 情况20(五)世界各区域 ODI 情况20(六)中国吸收外资全球占比情况21附表23附表 1 截至 2023 年外商直接投资情况23附表 2 20052023 年外商直接投资分产业情况 25附表 3 2023 年外商直接投资分行业情况26附表 4 2023年外商直接投资分国别(地区)情况27附表 5 截至2023年外商直接投资分国别(地区)情况34附表 6 19872023 年欧盟在华投资情况一览42附表 7 198723、023 年东盟在华投资情况一览44附表 8 20102023年“金砖国家”在华投资情况一览46附表 9 20132023 年“一带一路”共建国家在华投资情况一览47附表 10 20062023 年全国及外商投资企业、港澳台商投资企业固定资产投资 情况48附表 11 19922023 年全国工业增加值及规模以上外商投资企业工业增加值情况49附表 12 20052023 年全国及外商投资规模以上工业企业经营情况50附表 13 19862023 年外商投资企业货物贸易进出口情况51附表 14 20002023 年中国实际使用外资全球占比情况53后记54 目录 3图目录图 1 19792023 年中国4、吸收外资情况1图 2 2023 年外商直接投资行业结构概况3图 3 2023 年新设外商投资企业主要来源地概况8图 4 2023 年实际使用外资主要来源地概况9图 5 截至 2023 年主要投资来源地前 15 位国家(地区)情况9图 6 19872023 年欧盟在华投资情况10图 7 19872023 年东盟在华投资情况11图 8 20102023年“金砖国家”在华投资情况12图 9 20132023 年“一带一路”共建国家在华投资情况13图 10 2023年外商投资企业、港澳台商投资企业固定资产投资增幅情况14图 11 2023 年规模以上外商投资企业工业增加值增幅情况 15图 12 2005、52023 年外商投资规模以上工业企业营业收入情况16图 13 20052023 年外商投资规模以上工业企业利润总额情况16图 14 19862023 年外商投资企业进出口情况17图 15 20002023 年全球跨境直接投资情况18图 16 20002023 年中国实际使用外资全球占比情况22 4 中国外资统计公报 2024表目录表 1 2023 年三次产业吸收外资情况2表 2 2023 年高技术产业吸收外资情况3表 3 2023 年东部、中部、西部地区吸收外资情况4表 4 2023 年部分区域吸收外资情况4表 5 2023 年全国各省份吸收外资情况5表6 2023年主要投资来源地前15位国6、家(地区)情况7表 7 2023 年欧盟在华投资金额前 5 位行业10表 8 2023 年东盟在华投资金额前 5 位行业11表 9 2023年“金砖国家”在华投资金额前5位行业12表 10 2023 年“一带一路”共建国家在华投资金额前 5 位行业13表 11 2023 年全球 FDI 规模前 10 位国家(地区)一览19表 12 2023 年全球 ODI 规模前 10 位国家(地区)一览19表 13 2023 年世界各区域 FDI 情况20表 14 2023 年世界各区域 ODI 情况21中国外资统计公报 2024 1一、2023 年中国外商投资综述2023 年,各级商务主管部门坚决贯彻落实7、党中央、国务院决策部署,把握新冠疫情防控转段后经济恢复发展的有利时机,围绕“促稳提质”工作目标,持续加大吸引和利用外资工作力度,保持引资规模处于历史高位,占全球跨境直接投资份额总体稳定,推动引资产业结构持续优化,制度型开放不断深化,为经济总体回升向好发展作出了积极贡献。全年新设外商投资企业 53766 家,同比增长 39.7%;实际使用外资 1632.5 亿美元,同比下降13.7%(详见附表 1)。1239000080000700006000050000400003000020000100000 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 1978、9-1982198319841985198619871988198919901991199219931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200420052006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220230单位:家单位:亿美元实际使用外资金额新设外商投资企业数量图 1 19792023 年中国吸收外资情况数据来源:商务部外资统计。实际使用外资金额,是指合同外资金额的实际执行数,包括境外投资者实际缴付的注册资本、营运资金,以及受让境内投资者股权实际支付的交易对价9、。2022 年以前,商务部按年度采集银行、证券、保险领域吸收外资数据,在中国外资统计公报部分报表中单列为“有关部门”。2022 年,外商投资统计调查制度修订,银行、证券、保险领域数据改为按月度采集,中国外资统计公报所有 2022 年及以后的报表中均不再单列。2 中国外资统计公报 2024 二、外商投资行业分布(一)外商投资产业分布2023 年,第一、二、三产业新设外商投资企业数量占比分别为 0.6%、9.1%、90.3%,实际使用外资金额占比分别为 0.4%、35.2%、64.4%。(详见附表 2)表 1 2023 年三次产业吸收外资情况产业新设企业数(家)比重(%)实际使用外资金额(亿美元)10、比重(%)总计53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 第一产业3190.6 6.7 0.4 第二产业48799.1 575.2 35.2 第三产业4856890.3 1050.7 64.4 数据来源:商务部外资统计。注:当数据小数位小于 0.05 时,显示为 0.0;数据为 0 则显示为 0。部分数据因四舍五入的原因,存在总计与分项合计不等的情况,下同。(二)外商投资行业分布从行业看,2023 年,外商投资主要集中在制造业,科学研究和技术服务业,租赁和商务服务业,信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业,房地产业,批发和零售业,金融业;上述 7 个行业的新设企业数量占比为 86.8%,实际使用外11、资金额占比为 89.5%。(详见附表 3)2023 年,高技术产业新设外商投资企业 13758 家,实际使用外资金额 609.8 亿美元。其中,高技术制造业新设外商投资企业 841 家,实际使用外资金额 181 亿美元;高技术服务业新设外商投资企业 12917 家,实际使用外资金额 428.8 亿美元。中国外资统计公报 2024 3农、林、牧、渔业采矿业制造业电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业建筑业批发和零售业交通运输、仓储和邮政业住宿和餐饮业信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业金融业房地产业租赁和商务服务业科学研究和技术服务业水利、环境和公共设施管理业居民服务、修理和其他服务业教育卫生和社会工作文化12、、体育和娱乐业0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 单位:%新设企业数量占比实际使用外资金额占比图 2 2023 年外商直接投资行业结构概况数据来源:商务部外资统计。表 2 2023 年高技术产业吸收外资情况产业新设企业数(家)比重(%)实际使用外资金额(亿美元)比重(%)总 计53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 高技术产业1375825.6 609.8 37.4 高技术制造业8411.6 181.0 11.1 高技术服务业1291724.0 428.8 26.3 数据来源:商务部外资统计。4 中国外资统计公报 2024三、外商投资区域分布(一)外商投资地区分布202313、 年,东、中、西部地区新设外商投资企业数量占比分别为 87.6%、5.6%、6.8%,实际使用外资金额占比分别为 87.1%、6.4%、6.5%。表 3 2023 年东部、中部、西部地区吸收外资情况地区新设企业数(家)比重(%)实际使用外资金额(亿美元)比重(%)总 计53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 东部地区4708987.6 1422.4 87.1 中部地区30195.6 103.7 6.4 西部地区36586.8 106.4 6.5 数据来源:商务部外资统计。注:东部地区:北京、天津、河北、辽宁、上海、江苏、浙江、福建、山东、广东、海南。中部地区:山西、吉林、黑龙江、安徽、14、江西、河南、湖北、湖南。西部地区:内蒙古、广西、重庆、四川、贵州、云南、西藏、陕西、甘肃、青海、宁夏、新疆。2023 年,京津冀地区、长江经济带、东北地区新设外商投资企业数量占比分别为 5.3%、34.0%、1.8%,实际使用外资金额占比分别为 13.0%、50.9%、2.6%。表 4 2023 年部分区域吸收外资情况区域新设企业数(家)比重(%)实际使用外资金额(亿美元)比重(%)总 计53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 京津冀地区28645.3 212.4 13.0 长江经济带1826534.0 830.750.9 东北地区9701.8 42.0 2.6 数据来源:商务部外资统15、计。注:京津冀地区:北京、天津、河北。长江经济带:上海、江苏、浙江、安徽、江西、湖北、湖南、重庆、四川、贵州、云南。东北地区:辽宁、吉林、黑龙江。中国外资统计公报 2024 5(二)外商投资省份分布2023 年,新设外商投资企业数排名前十的省份分别是广东、上海、浙江、福建、江苏、山东、海南、北京、四川、云南,数量占全国比重为 87.4%;实际使用外资金额排名前十的省份分别是江苏、上海、广东、浙江、山东、北京、天津、福建、四川、辽宁,规模占全国比重为 86.2%。表 5 2023 年全国各省份吸收外资情况省份新设企业数(家)比重(%)实际使用外资金额(亿美元)比重(%)总计53766100.0 16、1632.5 100.0 江苏34816.5 253.4 15.5 上海601711.2 240.9 14.8 广东2168540.3 228.6 14.0 浙江44518.3 202.3 12.4 山东25184.7 175.3 10.7 北京17293.2 137.1 8.4 天津6141.1 57.7 3.5 福建37216.9 43.1 2.6 四川9101.7 34.9 2.1 辽宁6161.2 33.8 2.1 海南17363.2 32.6 2.0 湖北6481.2 27.3 1.7 安徽6021.1 20.8 1.3 河北5211.0 17.5 1.1 陕西4080.8 14.717、 0.9 湖南4690.9 14.4 0.9 山西800.2 12.8 0.8 江西4010.8 12.8 0.8 广西6571.2 12.2 0.8 重庆3870.7 10.5 0.6 云南7451.4 8.5 0.5 内蒙古1670.3 8.0 0.5 6 中国外资统计公报 2024续表省份新设企业数(家)比重(%)实际使用外资金额(亿美元)比重(%)河南4650.9 7.5 0.5 新疆1450.3 6.8 0.4 吉林1110.2 5.5 0.3 贵州1540.3 5.0 0.3 宁夏230.0 4.1 0.3 黑龙江2430.5 2.6 0.2 甘肃470.1 1.4 0.1 青海918、0.0 0.2 0.0 西藏60.0 0.00.0 数据来源:商务部外资统计。中国外资统计公报 2024 7四、外商投资来源地分布(一)主要投资来源地在华投资情况2023 年,主要投资来源地在华投资规模保持稳定。按投资者国籍/注册地统计(下同),在华投资前 15 位的国家(地区)新设企业数合计为 39453 家,占当年我国新设外商投资企业总数的 73.4%;实际投资金额合计 1585.8 亿美元,占当年我国实际使用外资总额的 97.1%。表 6 2023 年主要投资来源地前 15 位国家(地区)情况国别(地区)新设企业数(家)比重(%)实际投资金额(亿美元)比重(%)总计53766100.0 19、1632.5 100.0 香港地区2105739.2 1111.8 68.1 新加坡14682.7 97.8 6.0 英属维尔京群岛2030.4 68.6 4.2 荷兰1830.3 53.6 3.3 日本8881.7 38.9 2.4 开曼群岛970.2 35.2 2.2 韩国18283.4 35.1 2.2 英国5961.1 34.1 2.1 美国19203.6 33.6 2.1 阿联酋720.1 22.0 1.3 德国4460.8 19.2 1.2 法国2890.5 13.4 0.8 萨摩亚570.1 8.6 0.5 台湾地区777714.5 7.3 0.4 澳门地区25724.8 6.620、 0.4 数据来源:商务部外资统计。注:如一家外资企业有来自 2 个及以上国别(地区)的境外投资者,则新设企业数在这些国家(地区)各计算一次,总数仅计算一次。8 中国外资统计公报 20242023 年,亚洲国家(地区)在华新设企业数占比为 76.8%,实际投资金额占比为81.3%;非洲国家(地区)在华新设企业数占比为 5.8%,实际投资金额占比为 0.2%;欧洲国家(地区)在华新设企业数占比为 7.2%,实际投资金额占比为 8.9%;拉丁美洲国家(地区)在华新设企业数占比为 1.4%,实际投资金额占比为 6.4%;北美洲国家(地区)在华新设企业数占比为5.5%,实际投资金额占比为2.4%;大洋21、洲国家(地区)在华新设企业数占比为1.6%,实际投资金额占比为 0.9%。(详见附表 4)亚洲,76.8%其他,1.7%大洋洲,1.6%北美洲,5.5%拉丁美洲,1.4%欧洲,7.2%非洲,5.8%亚洲非洲欧洲拉丁美洲北美洲大洋洲其他图 3 2023 年新设外商投资企业主要来源地概况数据来源:商务部外资统计。截至 2023 年,在华投资前 15 位国家(地区)累计设立外商投资企业 103.4 万家,占我国累计设立外商投资企业数的 87.6%;累计在华投资金额为 2.7 万亿美元,占我国累计实际使用外资金额的 94.2%。(详见附表 5)中国外资统计公报 2024 9大洋洲,0.9%北美洲,2.22、4%拉丁美洲,6.4%欧洲,8.9%非洲,0.2%亚洲,81.3%亚洲非洲欧洲拉丁美洲北美洲大洋洲图 4 2023 年实际使用外资主要来源地概况数据来源:商务部外资统计。毛里求斯,165.2 荷兰,347.9 开曼群岛,552.9 法国,216.4 萨摩亚,332.2 英国,325.8 德国,425.7 澳门地区,235.5 英属维尔京群岛,1935.5 新加坡,1412.3 日本,1314.8 韩国,1003.5 美国,982.3 台湾地区,727.3 香港地区,16814.9 1000100001000001000000投资企业数量(单位:家)累计实际投资金额(单位:亿美元)图 5 截至 23、2023 年主要投资来源地前 15 位国家(地区)情况数据来源:商务部外资统计。10 中国外资统计公报 2024(二)欧盟在华投资情况2023 年,欧盟在华投资新设企业 1737 家,占我国新设外商投资企业数的 3.2%;实际投资金额为 105.8 亿美元,占我国实际使用外资金额的 6.5%。(详见附表 6)198719881989199019911992199319941995199619971998199920002001200220032004200520062007200820092010201120122013201420152016201720182019202020212022224、023151050单位:%新设企业数量占比实际投资金额占比图 6 19872023 年欧盟在华投资情况数据来源:商务部外资统计。注:1.19872019 年欧盟在华投资数据包含英国在华投资,2020 年起不再包含英国。2.19872021 年数据不含银行、证券、保险领域,2022 年及以后包含上述领域,图 7-9、附表 4-9 同。2023 年,欧盟在华投资金额前 5 位行业分别是制造业、科学研究和技术服务业、租赁和商务服务业、采矿业、金融业;5 个行业新设企业数占比为 53.4%,实际投资金额占比为95.2%。表 7 2023 年欧盟在华投资金额前 5 位行业行业新设企业数(家)比重(%)实25、际投资金额(亿美元)比重(%)合 计1737100.0 105.8 100.0 制造业1629.3 66.7 63.0 科学研究和技术服务业40223.1 14.2 13.4 租赁和商务服务业35120.2 10.4 9.8 采矿业00 5.3 5.0 金融业120.7 4.2 4.0 数据来源:商务部外资统计。中国外资统计公报 2024 11(三)东盟在华投资情况2023 年,东盟在华投资新设企业 2887 家,占我国新设外商投资企业数的 5.4%;实际投资金额为 102.9 亿美元,占我国实际使用外资金额的 6.3%。(详见附表 7)151050201820192020202120222026、231987198819891990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017新设企业数量占比实际投资金额占比单位:%图 7 19872023 年东盟在华投资情况数据来源:商务部外资统计。2023 年,东盟在华投资金额前 5 位行业分别是制造业、租赁和商务服务业、房地产业、科学研究和技术服务业、批发和零售业;5 个行业新设企业数占比为 80.8%,实际投资金额占比为 80.4%。表 8 2023 年东盟在华投资金额前 5 27、位行业行业新设企业数(家)比重(%)实际投资金额(亿美元)比重(%)合 计2887100.0 102.9 100.0 制造业1806.2 27.2 26.5 租赁和商务服务业61121.2 17.7 17.2 房地产业281.0 15.1 14.7 科学研究和技术服务业61621.3 12.4 12.0 批发和零售业89831.110.3 10.0 数据来源:商务部外资统计。12 中国外资统计公报 2024(四)“金砖国家”在华投资情况2023 年,“金砖国家”在华投资新设企业 1821 家,占我国新设外商投资企业数的 3.4%;实际投资金额为 0.7 亿美元,占我国实际使用外资金额的 0.028、4%。(详见附表 8)3412020102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023单位:%新设企业数量占比实际投资金额占比图 8 20102023 年“金砖国家”在华投资情况数据来源:商务部外资统计。2023 年,“金砖国家”在华投资金额前 5 位行业分别是制造业,批发和零售业,科学研究和技术服务业,交通运输、仓储和邮政业,租赁和商务服务业;5 个行业新设企业数占比为90.5%,实际投资金额占比为 99.1%。表 9 2023 年“金砖国家”在华投资金额前 5 位行业行业新设企业数(家)比重(%)实际投资金额(亿美元)比重(%)合 29、计1821100.0 0.7 100.0 制造业573.1 0.3 41.3 批发和零售业121766.8 0.2 37.8 科学研究和技术服务业1518.3 0.1 13.9 交通运输、仓储和邮政业583.2 0.04.3 租赁和商务服务业1659.1 0.01.9 数据来源:商务部外资统计。中国外资统计公报 2024 13(五)“一带一路”共建国家在华投资情况2023 年,“一带一路”共建国家在华投资新设企业 13693 家,占我国新设外商投资企业数的 25.5%;实际投资金额为 182.6 亿美元,占我国实际使用外资金额的 11.2%。(详见附表 9)27262524232221201930、181716151413121110987654321020132014201520162017201820192020202120222023单位:%新设企业数量占比实际投资金额占比图 9 20132023 年“一带一路”共建国家在华投资情况数据来源:商务部外资统计。2023 年,“一带一路”共建国家在华投资金额前 5 位行业分别是制造业、租赁和商务服务业、科学研究和技术服务业、房地产业、批发和零售业;5 个行业新设企业数占比为 86.9%,实际投资金额占比为 86.7%。表 10 2023 年“一带一路”共建国家在华投资金额前 5 位行业行业新设企业数(家)比重(%)实际投资金额(亿美元)31、比重(%)合 计13693100.0 182.6 100.0 制造业5564.1 86.0 47.1 租赁和商务服务业151911.1 21.2 11.6 科学研究和技术服务业146010.7 20.5 11.2 房地产业410.3 15.5 8.5 批发和零售业832660.8 15.2 8.3 数据来源:商务部外资统计。14 中国外资统计公报 2024五、外商投资运行情况(一)固定资产投资情况2023 年,全国固定资产投资(不含农户)503036 亿元,同比增长 3.0%。港澳台商投资企业下降 2.7%,外商投资企业增长 0.6%。(详见附表 10)43210-1-2-33.00.6-2.32、7单位:%全国固定资产投资(不含农户)增幅港澳台商投资企业固定资产投资增幅外商投资企业固定资产投资增幅图 10 2023 年外商投资企业、港澳台商投资企业固定资产投资增幅情况数据来源:国家统计局。注:固定资产投资增速按可比口径计算。(二)规模以上工业增加值情况2023 年,全国规模以上工业增加值增长 4.6%,其中规模以上外商投资企业(含港澳台商,下同)工业增加值增长 1.4%。(详见附表 11)中国外资统计公报 2024 1510864204.61.4单位:%全国规模以上工业增加值增长率规模以上外商投资企业工业增加值增长率图 11 2023 年规模以上外商投资企业工业增加值增幅情况数据来源:33、国民经济和社会发展统计公报。注:增速按可比价格计算。(三)规模以上工业企业经营情况2023 年,全国规模以上工业企业实现营业收入 1334390.8 亿元,同比增长 1.1%(增速按可比口径计算,下同);实现利润总额 76858.3 亿元,同比下降 2.3%。其中,外商投资规模以上工业企业实现营业收入 272257.0 亿元,同比下降 2.3%,占全国规模以上工业企业营业收入的 20.4%;实现利润总额 17975.1 亿元,同比下降 6.7%,占全国规模以上工业企业利润总额的 23.4%。(详见附表 12)16 中国外资统计公报 202416014012010080604020035302534、201510502005 2006 200720082009 2010 2011 2012 201320142015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023单位:万亿元单位:%全国规模以上工业企业营业收入外商投资规模以上工业企业营业收入外资占全国比重图 12 20052023 年外商投资规模以上工业企业营业收入情况数据来源:中国统计年鉴、国家统计局。2005 2006 200720082009 2010 2011 2012 201320142015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023单位:万亿元单位:%全国规模35、以上工业企业利润总额外商投资规模以上工业企业利润总额外资占全国比重10987654321035302520151050图 13 20052023 年外商投资规模以上工业企业利润总额情况数据来源:中国统计年鉴、国家统计局。中国外资统计公报 2024 17(四)进出口情况2023 年,全国进出口商品总值达 59360 亿美元,同比下降 5.0%,其中外商投资企业进出口商品总值为 17932 亿美元,同比下降 13.6%,占全国比重为 30.2%。全国进口商品总值为 25569 亿美元,同比下降 5.5%,其中外商投资企业进口商品总值为 8275 亿美元,同比下降13.1%,占全国比重为 32.4%36、;全国出口商品总值为 33790 亿美元,同比下降 4.7%,其中外商投资企业出口商品总值为 9656 亿美元,同比下降 14.0%,占全国比重为 28.6%。(详见附表 13)19921991199019891988198719861993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023806040200单位:%外商投资企业进出口总值占比外商投资企业进口总值占比外商投资企业出口总值占比图 14 198637、2023 年外商投资企业进出口情况数据来源:海关统计。18 中国外资统计公报 2024六、全球跨境直接投资情况(一)全球 FDI 流动情况2023 年,全球 FDI 规模为 13318.1 亿美元,同比下降 1.8%;ODI 规模为 15505.8 亿美元,同比下降 1.5%。7000 12000 17000 22000 27000 19902004(年平均值)2005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023单位:亿美元FDIODI图 15 20002023 年全球跨境直接投资情况数据来源:38、联合国贸发会议世界投资报告 2024。(二)全球 FDI 规模前 10 位国家(地区)2023 年,全球 FDI 规模排名前 10 的国家(地区)依次为美国、中国、新加坡、中国香港地区、巴西、加拿大、法国、德国、墨西哥和西班牙。中国外资统计公报 2024 19表 11 2023 年全球 FDI 规模前 10 位国家(地区)一览国别(地区)金额(亿美元)占全球总流量(%)同比(%)全球13318.1 100.0-1.8 美国3109.5 23.3-6.4 中国1632.5 12.3-13.7 新加坡1596.7 12.0 13.1 中国香港地区1126.8 8.5 2.7 巴西659.0 4.939、-10.2 加拿大503.2 3.8 9.0 法国420.3 3.2-44.7 德国367.0 2.8 33.9 墨西哥360.6 2.7-0.7 西班牙359.1 2.7-20.0 数据来源:联合国贸发会议世界投资报告 2024。(三)全球 ODI 规模前 10 位国家(地区)2023 年,全球 ODI 规模排名前 10 的国家(地区)依次为美国、日本、中国、瑞士、中国香港地区、德国、加拿大、法国、新加坡和瑞典。表 12 2023 年全球 ODI 规模前 10 位国家(地区)一览国别(地区)金额(亿美元)占全球总流量(%)同比(%)全球15505.8 100.0-1.5 美国4043.2 240、6.1 10.4 日本1840.2 11.9 13.5 中国1478.5 9.5-9.4 瑞士1049.5 6.8 上一年为负数中国香港地区1042.9 6.7-1.8 德国1012.5 6.5-30.4 加拿大895.8 5.8 7.9 法国723.6 4.7 37.1 新加坡630.0 4.1 20.6 瑞典475.0 3.1-23.2 数据来源:联合国贸发会议世界投资报告 2024。20 中国外资统计公报 2024(四)世界各区域 FDI 情况2023年,全球FDI主要集中于亚洲地区,其中东亚、南亚和东南亚FDI占比达41.2%。此外,北美 FDI 占比为 27.1%。表 13 202341、 年世界各区域 FDI 情况地区金额(亿美元)占全球总流量(%)同比(%)全球总计13318.1 100.0-1.8 发达经济体4644.0 34.9 9.0 欧洲164.9 1.2 上一年为负数北美3612.7 27.1-4.6 发展中经济体8674.2 65.1-6.7 非洲526.3 4.0-3.4 亚洲6211.4 46.6-8.4 东亚2862.1 21.5-9.2 南亚359.72.7-37.5 东南亚2263.2 17.0 1.4 西亚652.2 4.9-9.2 拉美和加勒比1931.8 14.5-1.4 大洋洲4.6 0.0-67.0 数据来源:联合国贸发会议世界投资报告 2042、24。(五)世界各区域 ODI 情况2023 年,发展中经济体、发达经济体 ODI 占比分别为 31.7%和 68.3%。中国外资统计公报 2024 21表 14 2023 年世界各区域 ODI 情况地区金额(亿美元)占全球总流量(%)同比(%)全球总计15505.8 100.0-1.5 发达经济体10593.2 68.3 3.5 欧洲3278.6 21.1 51.2 北美4939.0 31.9 9.9 发展中经济体4912.6 31.7-10.9 非洲0.6 0.0-99.3 亚洲4404.2 28.4-6.4 东亚2785.3 18.0-2.6 南亚135.2 0.9-15.2 东南亚8843、5.1 5.7 6.2 西亚588.8 3.8-32.5 拉美和加勒比500.8 3.2-27.6 大洋洲7.0 0.0-72.6 数据来源:联合国贸发会议世界投资报告 2024。(六)中国吸收外资全球占比情况2023 年,全球跨境投资在 2021 年强劲反弹和 2022 年出现下滑后,继续下降 1.8%,我国吸收外资同比下降 13.7%,规模居全球第 2 位,连续第 32 年居发展中国家首位,占 2023 年全球 FDI 总量的 12.3%。(详见附表 14)22 中国外资统计公报 202422000180001600014000120001000080006000400020002000044、02005200420032002200120002006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220231614121086420单位:%单位:亿美元全球FDI金额中国实际使用外资金额中国实际使用外资占全球FDI比重图 16 20002023 年中国实际使用外资全球占比情况数据来源:联合国贸发会议世界投资报告 2024、商务部外资统计。中国外资统计公报 2024 23附表附表 1 截至 2023 年外商直接投资情况金额单位:亿美元年 度新设企业数实际使用外资金额总 计118012329731.41979145、982920 17.7 1983638 9.2 19842166 14.2 19853073 19.6 19861498 22.4 19872233 23.1 19885945 31.9 19895779 33.9 19907273 34.9 199112978 43.7 199248764 110.1 199383437 275.2 199447549 337.7 199537011 375.2 199624556 417.3 199721001 452.6 199819799 454.6 199916918 403.2 200022347 407.1 200126140 468.8 20046、234171 527.4 200341081 535.0 200443664 606.3 200544019 724.1 200641496 727.2 24 中国外资统计公报 2024续表年 度新设企业数实际使用外资金额200737892 835.2 200827537 1083.1 200923442 940.6 201027420 1147.3 201127717 1239.9 201224934 1210.7 201322819 1239.1 201423794 1285.0201526584 1355.8 201627908 1337.1 201735662 1363.2 2018647、0560 1383.1 201940910 1412.2 202038578 1493.4 202147647 1809.6 202238497 1891.3 2023537661632.5数据来源:商务部外资统计。中国外资统计公报 2024 25附表 2 20052023 年外商直接投资分产业情况 金额单位:亿美元年 度第一产业第二产业第三产业新设企业数实际使用外资金额新设企业数实际使用外资金额新设企业数实际使用外资金额20058515.7 30027446.9 13139 271.4 20067424.4 25725452.7 15029 270.0 20078877.1 2008742848、.6 16918 399.5 200880310.6 12299532.6 14435 539.7 200974912.7 10324500.8 12369 427.2 201079616.3 11625538.6 14999 592.5 201176116.7 11630557.5 15323 665.7 201276318.1 9419524.6 14752 668.0 201362915.8 7039495.7 15253 727.7 201458913.0 5649439.2 17495 832.6 201547111.1 4981435.9 20888 908.7 20164491649、.5 4618402.1 22741 917.8 20175797.9 6017409.5 29047 945.6 20186397.1 7935482.7 51986 893.3 20194244.4 6262422.3 34224 985.5 20204054.2 4607365.5 33566 1123.7 20214305.4 5613423.4 41604 1380.8 20223624.7 4608570.7 33527 1315.9 20233196.74879575.2485681050.7数据来源:商务部外资统计。注:产业数据按行业大类进行汇总,而部分企业行业仅选至行业门类,50、因此可能产生第一、二、三产 业合计数与总数不相等的情况。26 中国外资统计公报 2024附表 3 2023 年外商直接投资分行业情况金额单位:亿美元行业门类新设企业数比重(%)实际使用外资金额比重(%)总 计53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 农、林、牧、渔业4180.8 7.2 0.4 采矿业320.1 51.4 3.2 制造业36246.7 455.3 27.9 电力、热力、燃气及水生产和供应业5681.1 45.4 2.8 建筑业6851.3 23.7 1.5 批发和零售业1801033.5 98.9 6.1 交通运输、仓储和邮政业8671.6 21.4 1.3 住宿和餐饮业51、12112.3 3.9 0.2 信息传输、软件和信息技术服务业37647.0 164.3 10.1 金融业3870.7 67.6 4.1 房地产业6841.3 117.3 7.2 租赁和商务服务业1067319.9 263.8 16.2 科学研究和技术服务业951917.7 293.8 18.0 水利、环境和公共设施管理业1230.2 5.3 0.3 居民服务、修理和其他服务业7261.4 4.9 0.3 教育1090.2 0.6 0.0卫生和社会工作1430.3 3.0 0.2 文化、体育和娱乐业22234.1 4.4 0.3 数据来源:商务部外资统计。中国外资统计公报 2024 27附表 52、4 2023 年外商直接投资分国别(地区)情况金额单位:亿美元国别(地区)新设企业数比重(%)实际投资金额比重(%)总计53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 亚洲41283 76.8 1326.9 81.3 阿富汗2260.4 0.0 0.0 巴林20.0 0 0 孟加拉国1820.3 0.0 0.0 不丹10.0 0 0 文莱40.0 0 0 缅甸1560.3 0 0 柬埔寨190.0 0.6 0.0 塞浦路斯100.0 0.2 0.0 朝鲜30.0 0 0 香港地区2105739.2 1111.8 68.1 印度5491.0 0.0 0.0 印度尼西亚920.2 1.5 0.1 53、伊朗2950.6 0 0 伊拉克2280.4 0.0 0.0 以色列530.1 0.5 0.0 日本8881.7 38.9 2.4 约旦1220.2 0.0 0.0 科威特80.0 0 0 老挝570.1 0.0 0.0 黎巴嫩530.1 0 0 澳门地区25724.8 6.6 0.4 马来西亚6821.3 2.1 0.1 马尔代夫50.000 蒙古880.2 0.0 0.0 尼泊尔联邦民主共和国450.1 00 阿曼30.0 0 0 巴基斯坦9491.8 0.0 0.0 28 中国外资统计公报 2024续表国别(地区)新设企业数比重(%)实际投资金额比重(%)巴勒斯坦660.1 0 0 菲律54、宾640.1 0.2 0.0 卡塔尔10.0 0.0 0.0 沙特阿拉伯710.1 0.9 0.1 新加坡14682.7 97.8 6.0 韩国18283.4 35.1 2.2 斯里兰卡260.1 0 0 叙利亚1340.3 0.0 0.0 泰国1700.3 0.5 0.0 土耳其2220.4 0.4 0.0 阿联酋720.1 22.0 1.4 也门4150.8 0 0 越南1750.3 0.1 0.0 台湾地区777714.5 7.3 0.5 哈萨克斯坦1220.2 0.0 0.0 吉尔吉斯斯坦640.1 0 0 塔吉克斯坦670.1 0 0 土库曼斯坦500.1 0 0 乌兹别克斯坦14255、0.3 0.0 0.0 非洲3095 5.8 2.7 0.2 阿尔及利亚530.1 0 0 安哥拉160.0 0 0 贝宁240.0 0 0 博茨瓦纳50.0 0 0 布隆迪210.0 0 0 喀麦隆1580.3 0.1 0.0 佛得角10.000 中非10.000 乍得190.0 0 0 科摩罗50.0 0 0 中国外资统计公报 2024 29续表国别(地区)新设企业数比重(%)实际投资金额比重(%)刚果(布)1120.2 0.0 0.0 吉布提100.0 0 0 埃及2500.5 0 0 赤道几内亚50.0 0 0 埃塞俄比亚1330.3 0.0 0.0 加蓬110.0 0 0 冈比亚2056、0.0 0 0 加纳1110.2 0.0 0.0 几内亚540.1 0 0 几内亚比绍10.000 科特迪瓦590.1 0 0 肯尼亚630.1 0 0 利比里亚160.0 0.0 0.0 利比亚530.1 0 0 马达加斯加110.0 0 0 马拉维10.0 0 0 马里1580.3 0.0 0.0 毛里塔尼亚220.0 0.1 0.0 毛里求斯50.0 0.9 0.1 摩洛哥950.2 0.0 0.0 莫桑比克50.0 0 0 纳米比亚50.0 0 0 尼日尔800.2 0 0 尼日利亚7901.5 0.0 0.0 卢旺达170.0 0.0 0.0 塞内加尔810.2 0 0 塞舌尔40057、.1 1.2 0.1 塞拉利昂220.0 0 0 索马里290.1 0 0 南非700.1 0.1 0.0 30 中国外资统计公报 2024续表国别(地区)新设企业数比重(%)实际投资金额比重(%)苏丹670.1 0 0 坦桑尼亚1110.2 0 0 多哥350.1 0 0 突尼斯240.0 0 0 乌干达620.1 0.0 0.0 布基纳法索320.1 0 0 刚果(金)150.0 0.0 0.0 赞比亚290.1 0.1 0.0 津巴布韦780.2 0.1 0.0 莱索托20.000 斯威士兰10.0 0 0 厄立特里亚50.0 0 0 非洲其他国家(地区)20.0 0.1 0.0 欧洲358、8747.2 145.1 8.9 比利时560.1 1.8 0.1 丹麦420.1 2.1 0.1 英国5961.1 34.1 2.1 德国4460.8 19.2 1.2 法国2890.5 13.4 0.8 爱尔兰400.1 0.5 0.0 意大利2240.4 2.8 0.2 卢森堡130.0 2.6 0.2 荷兰1830.3 53.6 3.3 希腊130.0 0.0 0.0 葡萄牙230.0 0.0 0.0 西班牙1130.2 1.1 0.1 阿尔巴尼亚120.0 0 0 奥地利530.1 0.3 0.0 保加利亚130.0 0.0 0.0中国外资统计公报 2024 31续表国别(地区)新设59、企业数比重(%)实际投资金额比重(%)芬兰170.0 0.4 0.0 匈牙利270.1 0.0 0.0 冰岛30.0 0 0 列支敦士登00 0 0 马耳他60.0 0.0 0.0 摩纳哥20.00 0 挪威260.1 0.5 0.0 波兰450.1 0.0 0.0 罗马尼亚180.0 0.0 0.0 圣马力诺20.000 瑞典630.1 4.4 0.3 瑞士580.1 4.5 0.3 爱沙尼亚80.0 2.9 0.2 拉脱维亚100.0 0.0 0.0 立陶宛50.0 0 0 格鲁吉亚180.0 0 0 亚美尼亚420.1 0.0 0.0 阿塞拜疆730.1 0.0 0.0 白俄罗斯670.60、1 0.0 0.0 摩尔多瓦70.0 0 0 俄罗斯联邦11082.1 0.3 0.0 乌克兰1200.2 0 0 斯洛文尼亚10.00.3 0.0 克罗地亚30.0 0.0 0.0 捷克130.0 0.1 0.0 斯洛伐克30.0 0 0 北马其顿20.000 波黑10.00 0 塞尔维亚100.0 0.0 0.0 32 中国外资统计公报 2024续表国别(地区)新设企业数比重(%)实际投资金额比重(%)欧洲其他国家(地区)0000拉丁美洲7461.4 104.9 6.4 安提瓜和巴布达20.0 0.0 0.0 阿根廷230.0 0 0 巴哈马10.00 0 巴巴多斯30.0 0.7 0.061、 伯利兹50.0 0.0 0.0 多民族玻利维亚国50.0 0 0 巴西940.2 0.2 0.0 开曼群岛970.2 35.2 2.2 智利230.0 0.1 0.0 哥伦比亚670.1 0 0 多米尼克250.1 0 0 哥斯达黎加30.0 0 0 古巴110.0 0 0 多米尼加共和国90.0 0.0 0.0 厄瓜多尔140.0 0 0 格林纳达50.0 0 0 危地马拉30.0 0.0 0.0 圭亚那00 0 0 海地20.00 0 洪都拉斯10.00 0 牙买加10.00.0 0.0 墨西哥460.1 0.0 0.0 尼加拉瓜10.000 巴拿马110.0 0.0 0.0 巴拉圭0062、00 秘鲁200.0 0.0 0.0 萨尔瓦多20.00 0 特立尼达和多巴哥30.0 0.0 0.0中国外资统计公报 2024 33续表国别(地区)新设企业数比重(%)实际投资金额比重(%)特克斯和凯科斯群岛00 0.0 0.0 乌拉圭40.0 0.0 0.0 委内瑞拉500.1 0 0 英属维尔京群岛2030.4 68.6 4.2 圣其茨和尼维斯70.0 0.0 0.0 拉丁美洲其他国家(地区)50.0 0.0 0.0 北美洲29455.5 39.0 2.4 加拿大10191.9 2.1 0.1 美国19203.6 33.6 2.1 百慕大60.0 3.3 0.2 北美洲其他国家(地区)063、0 0 0 大洋洲8351.6 14.0 0.9 澳大利亚6351.2 4.5 0.3 斐济40.0 0 0 瑙鲁10.000 瓦努阿图30.0 0 0 新西兰1260.2 0.2 0.0 巴布亚新几内亚10.000 萨摩亚570.1 8.6 0.5 马绍尔群岛80.0 0.7 0.0 大洋洲其他国家(地区)00 0 0 数据来源:商务部外资统计。注:如一家外资企业有来自 2 个及以上国别(地区)的境外投资者,则新设企业数在这些国家(地区)各计算一次,总数仅计算一次。34 中国外资统计公报 2024附表 5 截至 2023 年外商直接投资分国别(地区)情况金额单位:亿美元国别(地区)累计设立企64、业数比重(%)实际使用外资金额比重(%)总 计1179853100.0 28427.0 100.0 亚洲92449378.4 21852.3 76.9 阿富汗8710.1 0.8 0.0 巴林300.0 0.2 0.0 孟加拉国8720.1 0.4 0.0 不丹60.0 00 文莱18220.2 28.3 0.1 缅甸6130.1 1.3 0.0 柬埔寨2920.0 4.4 0.0 塞浦路斯2990.0 3.6 0.0 朝鲜6580.1 1.2 0.0 香港地区54653546.3 16814.9 59.2 印度34690.3 9.5 0.0 印度尼西亚23910.2 28.6 0.1 伊朗165、9460.2 1.2 0.0 伊拉克11480.1 0.3 0.0 以色列10710.1 6.4 0.0 日本563474.8 1314.8 4.6 约旦8190.1 0.7 0.0 科威特770.0 3.3 0.0 老挝1340.0 0.6 0.0 黎巴嫩4580.0 0.5 0.0 澳门地区286342.4 235.5 0.8 马来西亚90690.8 93.30.3 马尔代夫130.0 00 蒙古3730.0 0.5 0.0 尼泊尔联邦民主共和国3640.0 0.0 0.0 阿曼330.0 0.2 0.0 中国外资统计公报 2024 35续表国别(地区)累计设立企业数比重(%)实际使用外资66、金额比重(%)巴基斯坦34410.3 1.1 0.0 巴勒斯坦2940.0 0.0 0.0 菲律宾33070.3 34.4 0.1 卡塔尔250.0 0.5 0.0 沙特阿拉伯4750.0 18.9 0.1 新加坡313172.7 1412.3 5.0 韩国752886.4 1003.5 3.5 斯里兰卡2160.0 0.2 0.0 叙利亚9640.1 0.5 0.0 泰国51080.4 47.1 0.2 土耳其15550.1 4.0 0.0 阿联酋11980.1 45.0 0.2 也门24290.2 0.8 0.0 越南9810.1 3.1 0.0 台湾地区13777111.7 727.3 67、2.6 东帝汶000.1 0.0 哈萨克斯坦7270.1 1.5 0.0 吉尔吉斯斯坦2290.0 0.2 0.0 塔吉克斯坦1810.0 0.0 0.0 土库曼斯坦1690.0 0.0 0.0 乌兹别克斯坦4570.0 0.2 0.0 亚洲其他国家(地区)170.0 1.0 0.0 非洲194751.7 225.0 0.8 阿尔及利亚3180.0 0.3 0.0 安哥拉1570.0 0.4 0.0 贝宁1090.0 0.2 0.0 博茨瓦纳440.0 0.3 0.0 布隆迪950.0 0.0 0.0 喀麦隆8520.1 0.4 0.0 36 中国外资统计公报 2024续表国别(地区)累计设立68、企业数比重(%)实际使用外资金额比重(%)加那利群岛20.0 00 佛得角120.0 0.1 0.0 中非130.0 0.0 0.0 塞卜泰(休达)0000 乍得590.0 00 科摩罗360.0 00 刚果(布)2710.0 0.0 0.0 吉布提440.0 0.0 0.0 埃及11620.1 0.7 0.0 赤道几内亚300.0 0.1 0.0 埃塞俄比亚4080.0 0.1 0.0 加蓬440.0 0.1 0.0 冈比亚800.0 0.3 0.0 加纳11980.1 0.7 0.0 几内亚2980.0 0.1 0.0 几内亚比绍200.0 0.2 0.0 科特迪瓦1810.0 0.0 069、.0 肯尼亚3480.0 0.2 0.0 利比里亚1500.0 0.8 0.0 利比亚2940.0 0.1 0.0 马达加斯加1210.0 0.6 0.0 马拉维100.0 00 马里5170.0 0.0 0.0 毛里塔尼亚960.0 0.2 0.0 毛里求斯25330.2 165.2 0.6 摩洛哥4310.0 0.1 0.0 莫桑比克340.0 0.1 0.0 纳米比亚520.0 0.8 0.0 尼日尔2860.0 0.1 0.0 中国外资统计公报 2024 37续表国别(地区)累计设立企业数比重(%)实际使用外资金额比重(%)尼日利亚22580.2 2.7 0.0 留尼汪10.0 00 70、卢旺达1580.0 0.0 0.0 塞内加尔2250.0 0.2 0.0 塞舌尔27770.2 37.5 0.1 塞拉利昂1250.0 0.1 0.0 索马里1560.0 0.0 0.0 南非11580.1 9.0 0.0 苏丹3160.0 0.1 0.0 坦桑尼亚3250.0 0.5 0.0 多哥1570.0 0.0 0.0 突尼斯1550.0 0.5 0.0 乌干达3510.0 0.6 0.0 布基纳法索950.0 0.1 0.0 刚果(金)1930.0 0.0 0.0 赞比亚1760.0 0.6 0.0 津巴布韦4610.0 0.2 0.0 莱索托180.0 0.0 0.0 斯威士兰7071、.0 0.0 0.0 厄立特里亚330.0 0.0 0.0 南苏丹共和国10.0 00 非洲其他国家(地区)240.0 0.5 0.0 欧洲713236.0 1895.0 6.7 比利时13710.1 25.9 0.1 丹麦12950.1 50.8 0.2 英国124041.1 325.8 1.1 德国127041.1 425.7 1.5 法国71620.6 216.4 0.8 爱尔兰6010.1 31.5 0.1 38 中国外资统计公报 2024续表国别(地区)累计设立企业数比重(%)实际使用外资金额比重(%)意大利73180.6 83.2 0.3 卢森堡6110.1 71.4 0.3 荷兰72、42690.4 347.9 1.2 希腊2390.0 1.1 0.0 葡萄牙3440.0 2.3 0.0 西班牙31110.3 43.8 0.2 阿尔巴尼亚460.0 0.1 0.0 安道尔20.0 0.0 0.0 奥地利15760.1 29.1 0.1 保加利亚1790.0 0.8 0.0 芬兰7450.1 16.7 0.1 直布罗陀210.0 0.5 0.0 匈牙利8770.1 4.0 0.0 冰岛480.0 0.6 0.0 列支敦士登410.0 1.1 0.0 马耳他790.0 0.8 0.0 摩纳哥310.0 0.1 0.0 挪威6900.1 10.3 0.0 波兰5930.1 2.673、 0.0 罗马尼亚5330.0 3.0 0.0 圣马力诺90.0 0.2 0.0 瑞典19180.2 68.8 0.2 瑞士23850.2 104.1 0.4 爱沙尼亚570.0 4.0 0.0 拉脱维亚740.0 0.0 0.0 立陶宛850.0 0.5 0.0 格鲁吉亚1010.0 0.1 0.0 亚美尼亚2180.0 0.1 0.0 阿塞拜疆3300.0 0.1 0.0 中国外资统计公报 2024 39续表国别(地区)累计设立企业数比重(%)实际使用外资金额比重(%)白俄罗斯3830.0 0.4 0.0 摩尔多瓦450.0 0.0 0.0 俄罗斯联邦65390.6 11.5 0.0 乌克74、兰11600.1 1.1 0.0 斯洛文尼亚810.0 1.3 0.0 克罗地亚580.0 0.1 0.0 捷克5570.0 3.2 0.0 斯洛伐克1380.0 1.0 0.0 北马其顿180.0 0.0 0.0 波黑170.0 0.0 0.0 塞尔维亚1970.0 0.3 0.0 黑山80.0 00 欧洲其他国家(地区)550.0 2.5 0.0 拉丁美洲362943.1 2593.0 9.1 安提瓜和巴布达130.0 0.4 0.0 阿根廷5620.0 2.0 0.0 阿鲁巴10.0 0.0 0.0 巴哈马2170.0 17.4 0.1 巴巴多斯3250.0 48.6 0.2 伯利兹2975、00.0 5.1 0.0 多民族玻利维亚国2490.0 0.7 0.0 巴西11700.1 8.1 0.0 开曼群岛42410.4 552.9 1.9 智利3280.0 1.8 0.0 哥伦比亚4910.0 0.2 0.0 多米尼克830.0 0.1 0.0 哥斯达黎加700.0 0.3 0.0 古巴680.0 0.6 0.0 库腊索岛10.0 00 多米尼加共和国600.0 0.2 0.0 40 中国外资统计公报 2024续表国别(地区)累计设立企业数比重(%)实际使用外资金额比重(%)厄瓜多尔1070.0 0.1 0.0 法属圭亚那20.0 0.0 0.0 格林纳达250.0 0.0 0.76、0 危地马拉270.0 0.1 0.0 圭亚那80.0 0.0 0.0 海地140.0 00 洪都拉斯750.0 0.3 0.0 牙买加420.0 0.1 0.0 马提尼克0000 墨西哥5360.0 1.7 0.0 蒙特塞拉特20.0 00 尼加拉瓜80.0 0.0 0.0 巴拿马5230.0 9.6 0.0 巴拉圭560.0 0.5 0.0 秘鲁2810.0 0.5 0.0 波多黎各160.0 0.0 0.0 圣马丁岛0000 圣文森特和格林纳丁斯250.0 0.2 0.0 萨尔瓦多190.0 0.0 0.0 苏里南250.0 0.2 0.0 特立尼达和多巴哥140.0 0.0 0.0 特77、克斯和凯科斯群岛170.0 0.3 0.0 乌拉圭420.0 0.6 0.0 委内瑞拉3110.0 0.3 0.0 英属维尔京群岛257652.2 1935.5 6.8 圣其茨和尼维斯700.0 1.0 0.0 圣皮埃尔和密克隆0000 拉丁美洲其他国家(地区)1150.0 3.3 0.0 北美洲985108.3 1232.1 4.3 加拿大189381.6 117.5 0.4 中国外资统计公报 2024 41续表国别/地区累计设立企业数比重(%)实际使用外资金额比重(%)美国791276.7 982.3 3.5 格陵兰10.0 00 百慕大3980.0 131.6 0.5 北美洲其他国家(地78、区)460.0 0.7 0.0 大洋洲276692.3 477.3 1.7 澳大利亚148111.3 108.1 0.4 库克群岛210.0 1.1 0.0 斐济490.0 0.1 0.0 盖比群岛10.0 0.0 0.0 瑙鲁200.0 0.2 0.0 瓦努阿图670.0 1.0 0.0 新西兰26080.2 15.9 0.1 巴布亚新几内亚520.0 0.1 0.0 社会群岛10.0 00 所罗门群岛70.0 0.1 0.0 汤加290.0 0.1 0.0 土阿莫土群岛0000 土布艾群岛10.0 00 萨摩亚94080.8 332.2 1.2 基里巴斯130.0 0.0 0.0 图瓦卢279、0.0 0.0 0.0 密克罗尼西亚联邦30.0 0.0 0.0 马绍尔群岛3170.0 9.4 0.0 帕劳000.0 0.0 瓦利斯和浮图纳000.0 0.0 大洋洲其他国家(地区)2590.0 9.0 0.0 数据来源:商务部外资统计。42 中国外资统计公报 2024附表 6 19872023 年欧盟在华投资情况一览金额单位:亿美元年度新设企业数实际投资金额欧盟所有国家(地区)比重(%)欧盟所有国家(地区)比重(%)19874022331.8 0.5 23.1 2.3 19888759451.5 1.6 31.9 4.9 19897857791.4 1.9 33.9 5.5 19908280、72731.1 1.5 34.9 4.2 1991163129781.3 2.5 43.7 5.6 1992763487641.6 2.4 110.1 2.2 19931726834372.1 6.7 275.1 2.4 19941464475493.1 15.4 337.7 4.6 19951582370114.3 21.3 375.2 5.7 19961167245564.8 27.4 417.3 6.6 19971040210015.0 41.7 452.6 9.2 19981002197995.1 39.8 454.6 8.8 1999894169185.3 44.8 403.2 1181、.1 20001130223475.1 44.8 407.1 11.0 20011214261404.6 41.8 468.8 8.9 20021486341714.4 37.1 527.4 7.0 20032074410815.1 39.3 535.0 7.4 20042423436645.6 42.4 606.3 7.0 20052846440196.5 51.9 724.1 7.2 20062619414966.3 54.4 727.2 7.5 20072487378926.6 39.5 835.2 4.7 20081929275377.0 51.2 1083.1 4.7 200915182、0234426.4 51.2 940.6 5.5 20101598274205.8 55.7 1147.3 4.9 20111665277176.0 52.7 1239.9 4.3 20121605249346.4 53.5 1210.7 4.4 20131446228196.3 65.2 1239.1 5.3 中国外资统计公报 2024 43续表年度新设企业数实际投资金额欧盟所有国家(地区)比重(%)欧盟所有国家(地区)比重(%)20141499237946.3 62.3 1285.0 4.9 20151704265846.4 65.1 1355.8 4.8 20161680279086.083、 88.0 1337.1 6.6 20171817356625.1 82.9 1363.2 6.1 20182425605604.0 104.2 1383.1 7.5 20192804409106.9 73.1 1412.3 5.2 20201695385784.4 56.9 1493.4 3.8 20212078476474.4 51.0 1809.6 2.8 20221376384973.6 100.3 1891.3 5.3 20231737537663.2 105.8 1632.5 6.5 数据来源:商务部外资统计。注:19872019 年欧盟在华投资数据包含英国在华投资,2020 年起84、不再包含英国。44 中国外资统计公报 2024附表 7 19872023 年东盟在华投资情况一览金额单位:亿美元年度新设企业数实际投资金额东盟所有国家(地区)比重(%)东盟所有国家(地区)比重(%)19878222333.7 0.4 23.1 1.6 198817159452.9 0.4 31.9 1.2 198913357792.3 1.0 33.9 3.0 199012872731.8 0.6 34.9 1.7 1991303129782.3 0.9 43.7 2.0 19921601487643.3 2.8 110.1 2.5 19933613834374.3 10.2 275.1 3.85、7 19942638475495.5 18.9 337.7 5.6 19952146370115.8 26.5 375.2 7.1 19961434245565.8 31.9 417.3 7.6 19971261210016.0 34.3 452.6 7.6 19981002197995.1 42.2 454.6 9.3 1999931169185.5 32.9 403.2 8.2 20001090223474.9 28.4 407.1 7.0 20011239261404.7 29.8 468.8 6.4 20021759341715.1 32.6 527.4 6.2 2003230241086、815.6 29.3 535.0 5.5 20042438436645.6 30.4 606.3 5.0 20052342440195.3 31.1 724.1 4.3 20062186414965.3 36.4 727.2 5.0 20071922378925.1 43.9 835.2 5.3 20081323275374.8 54.6 1083.1 5.0 20091047234424.5 46.8 940.6 5.0 20101217274204.4 63.2 1147.3 5.5 20111174277174.2 70.01239.9 5.6 20121056249344.2 70.787、 1210.7 5.8 20131037228194.5 83.5 1239.1 6.7 中国外资统计公报 2024 45续表年度新设企业数实际投资金额东盟所有国家(地区)比重(%)东盟所有国家(地区)比重(%)20141076237944.5 63.0 1285.0 4.9 20151145265844.3 76.6 1355.8 5.6 20161142279084.1 65.3 1337.1 4.9 20171261356623.5 50.8 1363.2 3.7 20181709605602.8 57.2 1383.1 4.1 20192148409105.3 78.8 1412.2 88、5.6 20201872385784.9 79.5 1493.4 5.3 20212144476474.5 105.8 1809.6 5.8 20221833384974.8 119.1 1891.3 6.3 20232887537665.4 102.9 1632.5 6.3 数据来源:商务部外资统计。46 中国外资统计公报 2024附表 8 20102023 年“金砖国家”在华投资情况一览金额单位:亿美元年度新设企业数实际投资金额金砖国家所有国家(地区)比重(%)金砖国家所有国家(地区)比重(%)2010207274200.8 2.1 1147.3 0.2 2011224277170.8 189、.3 1239.9 0.1 2012194249340.8 1.5 1210.7 0.1 2013163228190.7 0.9 1239.1 0.1 2014212237940.9 1.3 1285.0 0.1 2015294265841.1 1.5 1355.8 0.1 2016397279081.4 1.1 1337.1 0.1 2017568356621.6 2.9 1363.2 0.2 2018678605601.1 1.8 1383.1 0.1 20191047409102.6 0.9 1412.2 0.1 2020895385782.3 0.6 1493.4 0.0202199190、476472.1 0.3 1809.6 0.02022752384972.0 1.7 1891.3 0.1 20231821537663.4 0.7 1632.5 0.0数据来源:商务部外资统计。中国外资统计公报 2024 47附表 9 20132023 年“一带一路”共建国家在华投资情况一览金额单位:亿美元年度新设企业数实际投资金额“一带一路”共建国家所有国家(地区)比重(%)“一带一路”共建国家所有国家(地区)比重(%)201339562281917.3 152.2 1239.1 12.3 201443042379418.1 132.5 1285.0 10.3 2015513026584191、9.3 154.8 1355.8 11.4 201658842790821.1 145.7 1337.1 10.9 201765893566218.5 115.5 1363.2 8.5 201878106056012.9 139.5 1383.1 10.1 201994764091023.2 159.1 1412.2 11.3 202080843857821.0 135.0 1493.4 9.0 2021102524764721.5 162.7 1809.6 9.0 202275213849719.5214.2 1891.3 11.32023136935376625.5182.6 1632.592、 11.2数据来源:商务部外资统计。48 中国外资统计公报 2024附表 10 20062023 年全国及外商投资企业、港澳台商投资企业固定资产投资情况金额单位:亿元人民币年度全社会固定资产投资(不含农户)外商投资企业固定资产投资港澳台商投资企业固定资产投资金额同比(%)金额同比(%)金额同比(%)200682830 20.9 611347452007101212 22.2 735559992008124434 22.9 845169562009156933 26.1 839670922010189964 21.0 891282952011229693 20.3 92869431201227193、843 18.4 10547102762013318772 17.3 11130110282014362881 13.8 11053119352015395518 9.0 10746119302016424399 7.3 11846142232017451729 6.4 11312136042018478460 5.9 6.1-11.52019504212 5.4 0.46.62020518907 2.9 11.56.620215445474.95.016.42022572138 5.1-4.70.220235030363.00.6-2.7数据来源:全社会固定资产投资(不含农户)数据来自国家统94、计局年度数据库;外商投资企业和港、澳、台商投资企业固定资产投资数据来自中国统计年鉴,2017 年及以前仅公布金额,2017 年以后仅公布同比。注:固定资产投资增速按可比口径计算。报告期数据与上年已公布的同期数据之间存在不可比因素,不能直接相比计算增速。中国外资统计公报 2024 49附表 11 19922023 年全国工业增加值及规模以上外商投资企业工业增加值情况金额单位:亿元人民币年度全国工业增加值增长率(%)规模以上外商投资企业工业增加值增长率(%)19921034121.0 48.8 19931424920.0 46.2 19941954718.8 28.0 19952502414.0 95、19.0 19962953012.5 13.1 19973302411.3 13.4 1998341358.9 12.7 1999360158.6 12.9 2000402609.9 14.6 2001438568.7 11.9 20024777610.0 13.3 20035536412.8 20.0 20046577711.6 18.8 20057796111.6 16.6 20069223812.9 16.9 200711169414.9 17.5 200813172810.0 9.9 20091380969.1 6.2 201016512612.6 14.5 201119514310.96、9 10.4 20122089068.1 6.3 20132223387.7 8.3 20142338567.0 6.3 20152365066.0 3.7 20162478606.0 4.5 20172799976.4 6.9 20183051606.1 4.8 20193171095.7 2.0 20203130712.4 2.4 20213725759.6 8.9 20224016443.4-1.0 20233991034.21.4数据来源:各年度国民经济和社会发展统计公报。注:工业增加值绝对数按现价计算,增长速度按可比价格计算。由于统计调查制度规定的调查范围变动、统计执法、剔除重复数据97、等因素,2023 年规模以上工业相关指标增速及变化按可比口径计算。50 中国外资统计公报 2024附表 12 20052023 年全国及外商投资规模以上工业企业经营情况金额单位:亿元人民币年度全国规模以上工业企业其中:外商投资规模以上工业企业营业收入利润总额营业收入占全国比重(%)利润总额占全国比重(%)2005248544 14803 78564 31.6 4141 28.0 2006313592 19504 98936 31.5 5384 27.6 2007399717 27155 125498 31.4 7527 27.7 2008500020 30562 146614 29.3 82498、3 27.0 2009542522 34542 150263 27.7 10107 29.3 2010697744 53050 188729 27.0 15020 28.3 2011841830 61396 216304 25.7 15494 25.2 2012929292 61910 221949 23.9 13966 22.6 20131038659 68379 242964 23.4 15803 23.1 20141107033 68155 252630 22.8 16577 24.3 20151109853 66187 245698 22.1 15906 24.0 201611589999、9 71921 250393 21.6 17597 24.5 20171133161 74916 247620 21.9 18412 24.6 20181057327 71609 236959 22.4 16943 23.7 20191067397 65799 234410 22.0 16483 25.1 20201083658 68465 243189 22.4 18167 26.5 20211314557 92933 282716 21.5 22796 24.5 20221379098 84039 285895 20.7 20040 23.8 20231334391768582722572100、0.41797523.4数据来源:中国统计年鉴 2023、国家统计局。注:2017 年及以前为主营业务收入,2018 年及以后为营业收入。规模以上工业企业利润总额、营业收入等指标的增速均按可比口径计算。报告期数据与上年所公布的同指标数据之间有不可比因素,不能直接相比计算增速。中国外资统计公报 2024 51附表 13 19862023 年外商投资企业货物贸易进出口情况金额单位:亿美元年度进出口进口出口全国外商投资企业比重(%)全国外商投资企业比重(%)全国外商投资企业比重(%)1986738 30 4.1 429 24 5.6 309 6 1.9 1987827 46 5.6 432 34 7101、.9 394 12 3.0 19881028 83 8.1 553 59 10.7 475 25 5.3 19891117 137 12.3 591 88 14.9 525 49 9.3 19901154 201 17.4 533 123 23.1 621 78 12.6 19911356 290 21.4 638 169 26.5 718 120 16.7 19921655 437 26.4 806 264 32.8 849 174 20.5 19931957 671 34.3 1040 418 40.2 917 252 27.5 19942366 876 37.0 1156 529 45.102、8 1210 347 28.7 19952809 1098 39.1 1321 629 47.6 1488 469 31.5 19962899 1371 47.3 1388 756 54.5 1510 615 40.7 19973252 1526 46.9 1424 777 54.6 1828 749 41.0 19983239 1577 48.7 1402 767 54.7 1837 810 44.1 19993606 1745 48.4 1657 859 51.8 1949 886 45.5 20004743 2367 49.9 2251 1173 52.1 2492 1194 47.9 103、20015097 2591 50.8 2436 1259 51.7 2661 1332 50.1 20026208 3302 53.2 2952 1603 54.3 3256 1699 52.2 20038510 4723 55.5 4128 2319 56.2 4382 2403 54.8 200411546 6632 57.4 5612 3246 57.8 5933 3386 57.1 200514219 8317 58.5 6600 3875 58.7 7620 4442 58.3 200617604 10363 58.9 7915 4725 59.7 9690 5638 58.2 20104、0721762 12552 57.7 9561 5598 58.5 12201 6954 57.0 200825633 14099 55.0 11326 6194 54.7 14307 7905 55.3 200922075 12175 55.2 10059 5454 54.2 12016 6721 55.9 201029740 16006 53.8 13962 7384 52.9 15778 8622 54.6 201136419 18599 51.1 17435 8647 49.6 18984 9952 52.4 201238671 18941 49.0 18184 8715 47.9 2105、0487 10226 49.9 52 中国外资统计公报 2024续表年度进出口进口出口全国外商投资企业比重(%)全国外商投资企业比重(%)全国外商投资企业比重(%)201341590 19183 46.1 19500 8746 44.9 22090 10437 47.2 201443015 19840 46.1 19592 9093 46.4 23423 10747 45.9 201539530 18346 46.4 16796 8299 49.4 22735 10047 44.2 201636856 16874 45.8 15879 7705 48.5 20976 9169 43.7 201106、741071 18391 44.8 18438 8616 46.7 22633 9776 43.2 201846224 19681 42.6 21357 9321 43.6 24867 10360 41.7 201945779 18239 39.8 20784 8578 41.3 24995 9661 38.7 202046559 17976 38.6 20660 8653 41.9 25900 9323 36.0 20215995421717 36.2 2679410187 38.0 3316011530 34.8 20226250920764 33.2270659530 35.235444107、11233 31.720235936017932 30.2 255698275 32.4 337909656 28.6 数据来源:海关统计。中国外资统计公报 2024 53附表 14 20002023 年中国实际使用外资全球占比情况 金额单位:亿美元年度全球 FDI中国实际使用外资金额同比(%)金额同比(%)占全球比重(%)200013566.1 25.8407.1 1.03.020017727.3-43.0468.8 15.16.120025899.1-23.7527.4 12.58.920035506.2-6.7535.0 1.49.720046925.4 25.8606.3 13.38.108、820059477.1 36.8724.1 19.47.6200614035.6 48.1727.2 0.45.2200718917.1 34.8835.2 14.94.4200814900.7-21.21083.1 29.77.3200912361.2-17.0940.6-13.27.6201013962.0 13.01147.3 22.08.2201116150.8 15.71239.9 8.17.7201214938.3-7.51210.7-2.38.1201314563.2-2.51239.1 2.38.5201414038.6-3.61285.0 3.79.2201520323.0 109、44.81355.8 5.56.7201620454.2 0.61337.1-1.46.5201716448.7-19.61363.2 1.98.3201813761.4-16.31383.1 1.59.6201917292.4 25.71412.22.19.220209845.8-43.11493.4 5.715.0202116218.1 64.71809.6 21.211.1202213557.5-16.41891.3 4.5 14.6202313318.1-1.81632.5-13.712.3数据来源:联合国贸发会议世界投资报告 2024、商务部外资统计。注:联合国贸发会议 2024 年110、 6 月发布的世界投资报告 2024更新了 20182022 年度全球 FDI 数据,此处以更新后的数据为准。54 中国外资统计公报 2024后 记为向全社会提供外商投资统计信息服务,商务部自 1998 年起编印中国外资统计,2019 年升级改版为中国外资统计公报。2024 年,商务部外资司委托中国商务出版社编制中国外资统计公报 2024,在往年基础上进行了相应优化调整,主要包括 2023 年中国外商投资综述、外商投资行业分布、外商投资区域分布、外商投资来源地分布、外商投资运行情况和全球跨境直接投资情况六部分内容,并通过一系列附表展示历年数据变化,中英文同步发布,便于社会各界研究参考。本报告的111、编写由商务部外资司朱冰司长、吉小枫二级巡视员统筹指导,统计信息处商靓、李晓萌、赵鼎、张文锦、冯诗博同志参与。外事司翻译处协助对英文版进行了审校。项目组由中国商务出版社王世鹏社长牵头负责,张高平、孙柳明、郭舒怡、陈旭等同志参与具体中英文编校译工作。不足之处,请批评指正。2024 年 7 月STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 54 AfterwordsIn order to provide the public with foreign investment statistical information services,the Departmen112、t of Foreign Investment Administration of the Ministry of Commerce(MOFCOM)had compiled and published“Statistics on FDI in China”since 1998,which evolved into the“Statistical Bulletin of FDI in China”in 2019.In 2024,the Department of Foreign Investment Administration of MOFCOM commissioned the projec113、t team from China Commerce and Trade Press to make the“Statistical Bulletin of FDI in China 2024”(hereinafter referred to as the Bulletin),to incorporate optimization and adjustments on the basis of previous bulletins.The Bulletin consists of Summary of FDI in 2023;FDI by Industry and Sector,by Regi114、on and by Source;Performance of FDI;and Global FDI,with a series of appendices to show data changes over the years.For the reference of all interested,the Chinese and English versions of the Bulletin are released simultaneously.The compilation of this Bulletin is coordinated and guided by Zhu Bing(D115、irector General of the Department of Foreign Investment Administration of MOFCOM)and Ji Xiaofeng(Deputy Director-General of the Department of Foreign Investment Administration of MOFCOM).Inputs were provided by Shang Liang,Li Xiaomeng,Zhao Ding,Zhang Wenjin,and Feng Shibo from the departments Statis116、tical and Information Division.The English version of the Bulletin was proof-read by the Translation Division of the Department of Foreign Affairs of MOFCOM.The project team was led by Wang Shipeng(President of China Commerce and Trade Press).Copy editing was done by Zhang Gaoping,Sun Liuming,Guo Sh117、uyi,Chen Xu and other editors.For any error that may arise,comments are always welcome.July 2024 53 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Appendix 14 Global Share of Chinas Realized FDI Value,2000-2023Unit:US$100 millionYearGlobal FDIRealized FDI Value of ChinaAmountGrowth Rate(%)AmountGrowth Ra118、te(%)Share(%)200013566.1 25.8 407.1 1.0 3.0 20017727.3-43.0 468.8 15.1 6.1 20025899.1-23.7 527.4 12.5 8.9 20035506.2-6.7 535.0 1.4 9.7 20046925.4 25.8 606.3 13.3 8.8 20059477.1 36.8 724.1 19.4 7.6 200614035.6 48.1 727.2 0.4 5.2 200718917.1 34.8 835.2 14.9 4.4 200814900.7-21.2 1083.1 29.7 7.3 2009123119、61.2-17.0940.6-13.27.6201013962.0 13.01147.3 20.88.2201116150.8 15.71239.9 8.17.7201214938.3-7.51210.7-2.38.1201314563.2-2.51239.1 2.38.5201414038.6-3.61285.0 3.79.2201520323.0 44.81355.8 5.56.7201620454.2 0.61337.1-1.46.5201716448.7-19.61363.2 1.98.3201813761.4-16.31383.1 1.59.6201917292.4 25.71412120、.22.19.220209845.8-43.11493.4 5.715.0202116218.1 64.71809.6 21.211.1202213557.5-16.41891.3 4.5 14.6202313318.1-1.81632.5-13.712.3Source:World Investment Report 2024,UNCTAD and MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Note:Data of global FDI from 2018 to 2022 are updated according to the UNCTADs World Investment Report121、 2024,released in June 2024.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 52 Continued TableYearImports and ExportsImportsExportsNationalFIEsShare(%)NationalFIEsShare(%)NationalFIEsShare(%)201341590 19183 46.1 19500 8746 44.9 22090 10437 47.2 201443015 19840 46.1 19592 9093 46.4 23423 10747 45.9 2015395122、30 18346 46.4 16796 8299 49.4 22735 10047 44.2 201636856 16874 45.8 15879 7705 48.5 20976 9169 43.7 201741071 18391 44.8 18438 8616 46.7 22633 9776 43.2 201846224 19681 42.6 21357 9321 43.6 24867 10360 41.7 201945779 18239 39.8 20784 8578 41.3 24995 9661 38.7 202046559 17976 38.6 20660 8653 41.9 259123、00 9323 36.0 20215995421717 36.2 2679410187 38.0 3316011530 34.8 20226250920764 33.2270659530 35.23544411233 31.720235936017932 30.2 255698275 32.4 337909656 28.6 Source:General Administration of Customs.51 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Appendix 13 Imports and Exports by FIEs,1986-2023Un124、it:US$100 millionYearImports and ExportsImportsExportsNationalFIEsShare(%)NationalFIEsShare(%)NationalFIEsShare(%)1986738 30 4.1 429 24 5.6 309 6 1.9 1987827 46 5.6 432 34 7.9 394 12 3.0 19881028 83 8.1 553 59 10.7 475 25 5.3 19891117 137 12.3 591 88 14.9 525 49 9.3 19901154 201 17.4 533 123 23.1 62125、1 78 12.6 19911356 290 21.4 638 169 26.5 718 120 16.7 19921655 437 26.4 806 264 32.8 849 174 20.5 19931957 671 34.3 1040 418 40.2 917 252 27.5 19942366 876 37.0 1156 529 45.8 1210 347 28.7 19952809 1098 39.1 1321 629 47.6 1488 469 31.5 19962899 1371 47.3 1388 756 54.5 1510 615 40.7 19973252 1526 46.126、9 1424 777 54.6 1828 749 41.0 19983239 1577 48.7 1402 767 54.7 1837 810 44.1 19993606 1745 48.4 1657 859 51.8 1949 886 45.5 20004743 2367 49.9 2251 1173 52.1 2492 1194 47.9 20015097 2591 50.8 2436 1259 51.7 2661 1332 50.1 20026208 3302 53.2 2952 1603 54.3 3256 1699 52.2 20038510 4723 55.5 4128 2319 127、56.2 4382 2403 54.8 200411546 6632 57.4 5612 3246 57.8 5933 3386 57.1 200514219 8317 58.5 6600 3875 58.7 7620 4442 58.3 200617604 10363 58.9 7915 4725 59.7 9690 5638 58.2 200721762 12552 57.7 9561 5598 58.5 12201 6954 57.0 200825633 14099 55.0 11326 6194 54.7 14307 7905 55.3 200922075 12175 55.2 100128、59 5454 54.2 12016 6721 55.9 201029740 16006 53.8 13962 7384 52.9 15778 8622 54.6 201136419 18599 51.1 17435 8647 49.6 18984 9952 52.4 201238671 18941 49.0 18184 8715 47.9 20487 10226 49.9 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 50 Appendix 12 Performance of Industrial Enterprises and Industrial F129、IEs above Designated Size,2005-2023 Unit:RMB 100 millionYearIndustrial Enterprises above the Designated SizeIndustrial FIEs above the Designated SizeBusiness RevenueTotal ProfitsBusiness RevenueShare(%)Total ProfitsShare(%)2005248544 14803 78564 31.6 4141 28.0 2006313592 19504 98936 31.5 5384 27.6 2130、007399717 27155 125498 31.4 7527 27.7 2008500020 30562 146614 29.3 8243 27.0 2009542522 34542 150263 27.7 10107 29.3 2010697744 53050 188729 27.0 15020 28.3 2011841830 61396 216304 25.7 15494 25.2 2012929292 61910 221949 23.9 13966 22.6 20131038659 68379 242964 23.4 15803 23.1 20141107033 68155 2526131、30 22.8 16577 24.3 20151109853 66187 245698 22.1 15906 24.0 20161158999 71921 250393 21.6 17597 24.5 20171133161 74916 247620 21.9 18412 24.6 20181057327 71609 236959 22.4 16943 23.7 20191067397 65799 234410 22.0 16483 25.1 20201083658 68465 243189 22.4 18167 26.5 202113145579293328271621.52279624.5132、202213790988403928589520.72004023.8202313343917685827225720.41797523.4Source:China Statistical Yearbook 2023,National Bureau of Statistics.Note:“Business revenue”indicates revenue of main business in years up to 2017,and total business revenue from 2018 onward.The growth rates of total profits of sc133、aled-above industrial enterprises,revenue and other indicators are all calculated on a comparable basis.The data for the reporting period cannot be directly compared with the same indicators published in the previous year due to uncomparable factors.49 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Appen134、dix 11 Value Added of Industrial Enterprises and Industrial FIEs above the Designated Size,1992-2023Unit:RMB 100 millionYearTotal Value Added of Industrial EnterprisesGrowth Rate(%)Growth Rate of Value Added of Industrial FIEs above Designated Size(%)19921034121.0 48.8 19931424920.0 46.2 19941954718135、.8 28.0 19952502414.0 19.0 19962953012.5 13.1 19973302411.3 13.4 1998341358.9 12.7 1999360158.6 12.9 2000402609.9 14.6 2001438568.7 11.9 20024777610.0 13.3 20035536412.8 20.0 20046577711.6 18.8 20057796111.6 16.6 20069223812.9 16.9 200711169414.9 17.5 200813172810.0 9.9 20091380969.1 6.2 20101651261136、2.6 14.5 201119514310.9 10.4 20122089068.1 6.3 20132223387.7 8.3 20142338567.0 6.3 20152365066.0 3.7 20162478606.0 4.5 20172799976.4 6.9 20183051606.1 4.8 20193171095.7 2.0 20203130712.4 2.4 20213725759.6 8.9 20224016443.4-1.020233991034.21.4Source:Statistical Communiqu of the Peoples Republic of Ch137、ina on National Economic and Social Development of the given years.Note:The value added is calculated at current prices;growth rates are calculated at constant prices.Due to changes in the scope of statistical investigation systems,statistical law enforcement,and the exclusion of duplicate data,the 138、growth rates and changes of relevant indicators for scaled-up industrial enterprises in 2023 are calculated based on comparable scope.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 48 Appendix 10 Fixed-Asset Investment of the Country,FIEs,and Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan-Invested Enterprises,2006-2023Unit:139、RMB100 millionYearFixed-Asset Investment of the Country(excludingrural households)Fixed-Asset Investment of FIEsFixed-Asset Investment of Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan-Invested EnterprisesAmountYear-on-year(%)AmountYear-on-year(%)AmountYear-on-year(%)20068283020.9 61134745200710121222.2 735559992008124140、43422.9 84516956200915693326.1 83967092201018996421.0 89128295201122969320.3 92869431201227184318.4 1054710276201331877217.3 1113011028201436288113.8 110531193520153955189.0 107461193020164243997.3 118461422320174517296.4 113121360420184784605.9 6.1-11.520195042125.4 0.46.620205189072.9 11.56.620215141、445474.95.016.420225721385.1-4.70.220235030363.00.6-2.7Source:Data of fixed-asset investment of the country(excluding rural households)comes from the database of annual statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics.Data of fixed-asset investment of FIEs and Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan-invested ente142、rprises comes from the China Statistical Yearbook;in 2017 and before,only the amount is released;from 2018 onward,only the year-on-year growth rate is released.Note:The growth rate of fixed-asset investment is calculated on a comparable basis.The data for the reporting period and the same period of 143、the previous year have uncomparable factors,and cannot be directly compared to calculate the growth rate.47 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Appendix 9 FDI from BRI Partner Countries,2013-2023Unit:US$100 millionYearNumber of New FIEsRealized FDI ValueBRI Partner CountriesAll Countries (Regi144、ons)Share (%)BRI Partner CountriesAll Countries (Regions)Share (%)201339562281917.3 152.2 1239.1 12.3 201443042379418.1 132.5 1285.0 10.3 201551302658419.3 154.8 1355.8 11.4 201658842790821.1 145.7 1337.1 10.9 201765893566218.5 115.5 1363.2 8.5 201878106056012.9 139.5 1383.1 10.1 201994764091023.2 1145、59.1 1412.2 11.3 202080843857821.0 135.0 1493.4 9.0 2021102524764721.5 162.7 1809.6 9.0 202275213849719.5 214.2 1891.3 11.32023136935376625.5 182.6 1632.5 11.2Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 46 Appendix 8 FDI from Other BRICS Countries,2010-2023Unit:US$100 mill146、ionYearNumber of New FIEsRealized FDI ValueOther BRICS CountriesAll Countries(Regions)Share(%)Other BRICS CountriesAll Countries(Regions)Share(%)2010207274200.8 2.1 1147.3 0.2 2011224277170.8 1.3 1239.9 0.1 2012194249340.8 1.5 1210.7 0.1 2013163228190.7 0.9 1239.1 0.1 2014212237940.9 1.3 1285.0 0.1 147、2015294265841.1 1.5 1355.8 0.1 2016397279081.4 1.1 1337.1 0.1 2017568356621.6 2.9 1363.2 0.2 2018678605601.1 1.8 1383.1 0.1 20191047409102.6 0.9 1412.2 0.1 2020895385782.3 0.6 1493.4 0.02021991476472.1 0.3 1809.6 0.02022752384972.01.71891.30.120231821537663.4 0.7 1632.5 0.0Source:MOFCOM FDI Statisti148、cs.45 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Continued TableYearNumber of New FIEsRealized FDI ValueASEANAll Countries(Regions)Share(%)ASEANAll Countries(Regions)Share(%)20141076237944.5 63.0 1285.0 4.9 20151145265844.3 76.6 1355.8 5.6 20161142279084.1 65.3 1337.1 4.9 20171261356623.5 50.8 1363.2149、 3.7 20181709605602.8 57.2 1383.1 4.1 20192148409105.3 78.8 1412.2 5.6 20201872385784.9 79.5 1493.4 5.3 20212144476474.5 105.8 1809.6 5.8 20221833384974.8119.11891.36.320232887537665.4 102.9 1632.5 6.3 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 44 Appendix 7 FDI from ASEA150、N,1987-2023Unit:US$100 millionYearNumber of New FIEsRealized FDI ValueASEANAll Countries(Regions)Share(%)ASEANAll Countries(Regions)Share(%)19878222333.7 0.4 23.1 1.6 198817159452.9 0.4 31.9 1.2 198913357792.3 1.0 33.9 3.0 199012872731.8 0.6 34.9 1.7 1991303129782.3 0.9 43.7 2.0 19921601487643.3 2.8151、 110.1 2.5 19933613834374.3 10.2 275.1 3.7 19942638475495.5 18.9 337.7 5.6 19952146370115.8 26.5 375.2 7.1 19961434245565.8 31.9 417.3 7.6 19971261210016.0 34.3 452.6 7.6 19981002197995.1 42.2 454.6 9.3 1999931169185.5 32.9 403.2 8.2 20001090223474.9 28.4 407.1 7.0 20011239261404.7 29.8 468.8 6.4 20152、021759341715.1 32.6 527.4 6.2 20032302410815.6 29.3 535.0 5.5 20042438436645.6 30.4 606.3 5.0 20052342440195.3 31.1 724.1 4.3 20062186414965.3 36.4 727.2 5.0 20071922378925.1 43.9 835.2 5.3 20081323275374.8 54.6 1083.1 5.0 20091047234424.5 46.8 940.6 5.0 20101217274204.4 63.2 1147.3 5.5 201111742771153、74.2 70.0 1239.9 5.6 20121056249344.2 70.7 1210.7 5.8 20131037228194.5 83.5 1239.1 6.7 43 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Continued TableYearNumber of New FIEsRealized FDI ValueEuropean UnionAll Countries(Regions)Share(%)European UnionAll Countries(Regions)Share(%)20141499237946.3 62.3 128154、5.0 4.9 20151704265846.4 65.1 1355.8 4.8 20161680279086.0 88.0 1337.1 6.6 20171817356625.1 82.9 1363.2 6.1 20182425605604.0 104.2 1383.1 7.5 20192804409106.9 73.1 1412.3 5.2 20201695385784.4 56.9 1493.4 3.8 20212078476474.4 51.0 1809.6 2.8 20221376384973.6100.31891.35.320231737537663.2 105.8 1632.5 155、6.5 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Note:Investment from the UK is included from 1987 to 2019,and is no longer included from 2020 onward.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 42 Appendix 6 FDI from the European Union,1987-2023Unit:US$100 millionYearNumber of New FIEsRealized FDI ValueEuropean Union156、All Countries(Regions)Share(%)European UnionAll Countries(Regions)Share(%)19874022331.8 0.5 23.1 2.3 19888759451.5 1.6 31.9 4.9 19897857791.4 1.9 33.9 5.5 19908272731.1 1.5 34.9 4.2 1991163129781.3 2.5 43.7 5.6 1992763487641.6 2.4 110.1 2.2 19931726834372.1 6.7 275.1 2.4 19941464475493.1 15.4 337.7 157、4.6 19951582370114.3 21.3 375.2 5.7 19961167245564.8 27.4 417.3 6.6 19971040210015.0 41.7 452.6 9.2 19981002197995.1 39.8 454.6 8.8 1999894169185.3 44.8 403.2 11.1 20001130223475.1 44.8 407.1 11.0 20011214261404.6 41.8 468.8 8.9 20021486341714.4 37.1 527.4 7.0 20032074410815.1 39.3 535.0 7.4 2004242158、3436645.6 42.4 606.3 7.0 20052846440196.5 51.9 724.1 7.2 20062619414966.3 54.4 727.2 7.5 20072487378926.6 39.5 835.2 4.7 20081929275377.0 51.2 1083.1 4.7 20091510234426.4 51.2 940.6 5.5 20101598274205.8 55.7 1147.3 4.9 20111665277176.0 52.7 1239.9 4.3 20121605249346.4 53.5 1210.7 4.4 20131446228196.159、3 65.2 1239.1 5.3 41 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Other North American Territories460.0 0.7 0.0 Oceanic276692.3 477.31.7 Australia148111.3 108.1 0.4 Cook Islands210.0 1.1 0.0 Fiji490.0 0.1 0.0 Gambier Islands1160、0.0 0.0 0.0 Nauru200.0 0.2 0.0 Vanuatu670.0 1.0 0.0 New Zealand26080.2 15.9 0.1 Papua New Guinea520.0 0.1 0.0 Society Islands10.0 00Solomon Islands70.0 0.1 0.0 Tonga290.0 0.1 0.0 Tuamotu lslands0000Tubai Islands10.0 00Samoa94080.8 332.2 1.2 Kiribati130.0 0.0 0.0 Tuvalu20.0 0.0 0.0 The Federated Stat161、e of Micronesia30.0 0.0 0.0 Marshall Islands3170.0 9.4 0.0 Palau000.0 0.0 Wallis and Futuna000.0 0.0 Other Oceanian Territories2590.0 9.0 0.0 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 40 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Guatem162、ala270.0 0.1 0.0 Guyana80.0 0.0 0.0 Haiti140.0 00Honduras750.0 0.3 0.0 Jamaica420.0 0.1 0.0 Martinique0000Mexico5360.0 1.7 0.0 Montserrat20.0 00Nicaragua80.0 0.0 0.0 Panama5230.0 9.6 0.0 Paraguay560.0 0.5 0.0 Peru2810.0 0.5 0.0 Puerto Rico160.0 0.0 0.0 Saint Martin(French Part)0000Saint Vincent and 163、Grenadines250.0 0.2 0.0 El Salvador190.0 0.0 0.0 Suriname250.0 0.2 0.0 Trinidad and Tobago140.0 0.0 0.0 Turks and the Caicos Islands170.0 0.3 0.0 Uruguay420.0 0.6 0.0 Venezuela3110.0 0.3 0.0 Virgin Islands,British257652.2 1935.5 6.8 Saint Kitts and Nevis700.0 1.0 0.0 Saint-Pierre and Miquelon0000 Ot164、her Latin American Territories1150.0 3.3 0.0 North American985108.3 1232.1 4.3 Canada189381.6 117.5 0.4 United States791276.7 982.3 3.5 Greenland10.0 00Bermuda3980.0 131.6 0.5 39 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)U165、kraine11600.1 1.1 0.0 Slovenia810.0 1.3 0.0 Croatia580.0 0.1 0.0 Czechia(Czech Republic)5570.0 3.2 0.0 Slovakia1380.0 1.0 0.0 North Macedonia180.0 0.0 0.0 Bosnia and Herzegovina170.0 0.0 0.0 Serbia1970.0 0.3 0.0 Montenegro80.0 00Other European Territories550.0 2.5 0.0 Latin America362943.1 2593.0 9.166、1 Antigua and Barbuda130.0 0.4 0.0 Argentina5620.0 2.0 0.0 Aruba10.0 0.0 0.0 Bahamas2170.0 17.4 0.1 Barbados3250.0 48.6 0.2 Belize2900.0 5.1 0.0 Bolivia2490.0 0.7 0.0 Brazil11700.1 8.1 0.0 Cayman Islands42410.4 552.9 1.9 Chile3280.0 1.8 0.0 Colombia4910.0 0.2 0.0 Dominica830.0 0.1 0.0 Costa Rica700.167、0 0.3 0.0 Cuba680.0 0.6 0.0 Curaao10.0 00Dominican Republic600.0 0.2 0.0 Ecuador1070.0 0.1 0.0 French Guiana20.0 0.0 0.0 Grenada250.0 0.0 0.0 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 38 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Netherlands42690.4 347.9 1.2 Greece168、2390.0 1.1 0.0 Portugal3440.0 2.3 0.0 Spain31110.3 43.8 0.2 Albania460.0 0.1 0.0 Andorra20.0 0.0 0.0 Austria15760.1 29.1 0.1 Bulgaria1790.0 0.8 0.0 Finland7450.1 16.7 0.1 Gibraltar210.0 0.5 0.0 Hungary8770.1 4.0 0.0 Iceland480.0 0.6 0.0 Liechtenstein410.0 1.1 0.0 Malta790.0 0.8 0.0 Monaco310.0 0.1 0169、.0 Norway6900.1 10.3 0.0 Poland5930.1 2.6 0.0 Romania5330.0 3.0 0.0 San Marino90.0 0.2 0.0 Sweden19180.2 68.8 0.2 Switzerland23850.2 104.1 0.4 Estonia570.0 4.0 0.0 Latvia740.0 0.0 0.0 Lithuania850.0 0.5 0.0 Georgia1010.0 0.1 0.0 Armenia2180.0 0.1 0.0 Azerbaijan3300.0 0.1 0.0 Belarus3830.0 0.4 0.0 Mo170、ldova450.0 0.0 0.0 Russia65390.6 11.5 0.0 37 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)R union10.0 00Rwanda1580.0 0.0 0.0 Senegal2250.0 0.2 0.0 Seychelles27770.2 37.5 0.1 Sierra Leone1250.0 0.1 0.0 Somalia1560.0 0.0 0.0 So171、uth Africa11580.1 9.0 0.0 Sudan3160.0 0.1 0.0 Tanzania3250.0 0.5 0.0 Togo1570.0 0.0 0.0 Tunisia1550.0 0.5 0.0 Uganda3510.0 0.6 0.0 Burkina Faso950.0 0.1 0.0 Congo,DR1930.0 0.0 0.0 Zambia1760.0 0.6 0.0 Zimbabwe4610.0 0.2 0.0 Lesotho180.0 0.0 0.0 Eswatini(Swaziland)70.0 0.0 0.0 Eritrea330.0 0.0 0.0 So172、uth Sudan10.0 00Other African Territories240.0 0.5 0.0 Europe713236.0 1895.0 6.7 Belgium13710.1 25.9 0.1 Denmark12950.1 50.8 0.2 United Kingdom124041.1 325.8 1.1 Germany127041.1 425.7 1.5 France71620.6 216.4 0.8 Ireland6010.1 31.5 0.1 Italy73180.6 83.2 0.3 Luxembourg6110.1 71.4 0.3 STATISTICAL BULLE173、TIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 36 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Central African Republic130.0 0.0 0.0 Ceuta0000Chad590.0 00Comoros360.0 00Congo2710.0 0.0 0.0 Djibouti440.0 0.0 0.0 Egypt11620.1 0.7 0.0 Equatorial Guinea300.0 0.1 0.0 Ethiopia4080.0 0.1 0.0 Gab174、on440.0 0.1 0.0 Gambia800.0 0.3 0.0 Ghana11980.1 0.7 0.0 Guinea2980.0 0.1 0.0 Guinea-Bissau200.0 0.2 0.0 Cte dIvoire1810.0 0.0 0.0 Kenya3480.0 0.2 0.0 Liberia1500.0 0.8 0.0 Libya2940.0 0.1 0.0 Madagascar1210.0 0.6 0.0 Malawi100.0 00Mali5170.0 0.0 0.0 Mauritania960.0 0.2 0.0 Mauritius25330.2 165.2 0.175、6 Morocco4310.0 0.1 0.0 Mozambique340.0 0.1 0.0 Namibia520.0 0.8 0.0 Niger2860.0 0.1 0.0 Nigeria22580.2 2.7 0.0 35 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Palestine2940.0 0.0 0.0 Philippines33070.3 34.4 0.1 Qatar250.0 0.176、5 0.0 Saudi Arabia4750.0 18.9 0.1 Singapore313172.7 1412.3 5.0 Republic of Korea752886.4 1003.5 3.5 Sri Lanka2160.0 0.2 0.0 Syria9640.1 0.5 0.0 Thailand51080.4 47.1 0.2 Trkiye15550.1 4.0 0.0 United Arab Emirates11980.1 45.0 0.2 Yemen24290.2 0.8 0.0 Vietnam9810.1 3.1 0.0 Taiwan(Province of China)1377177、7111.7 727.3 2.6 Timor-Leste000.1 0.0 Kazakhstan7270.1 1.5 0.0 Kyrgyzstan2290.0 0.2 0.0 Tajikistan1810.0 0.0 0.0 Turkmenistan1690.0 0.0 0.0 Uzbekistan4570.0 0.2 0.0 Other Asian Territories170.0 1.0 0.0 Africa194751.7 225.0 0.8 Algeria3180.0 0.3 0.0 Angola1570.0 0.4 0.0 Benin1090.0 0.2 0.0 Botswana44178、0.0 0.3 0.0 Burundi950.0 0.0 0.0 Cameroon8520.1 0.4 0.0 Canary Islands20.0 00Cabo Verde120.0 0.1 0.0 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 34 Appendix 5 FDI by Countries(Regions)as of 2023Unit:US$100 millionCountry(Region)Number of FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Total1179853100.0 28427.0 179、100.0 Asia92449378.4 21852.3 76.9 Afghanistan8710.1 0.8 0.0 Bahrain300.0 0.2 0.0 Bangladesh8720.1 0.4 0.0 Bhutan60.0 00Brunei18220.2 28.3 0.1 Myanmar6130.1 1.3 0.0 Cambodia2920.0 4.4 0.0 Cyprus2990.0 3.6 0.0 DemocraticPeoples Republic of Korea6580.1 1.2 0.0 Hong Kong,China54653546.3 16814.9 59.2 Ind180、ia34690.3 9.5 0.0 Indonesia23910.2 28.6 0.1 Iran19460.2 1.2 0.0 Iraq11480.1 0.3 0.0 Israel10710.1 6.4 0.0 Japan563474.8 1314.8 4.6 Jordan8190.1 0.7 0.0 Kuwait770.0 3.3 0.0 Laos1340.0 0.6 0.0 Lebanon4580.0 0.5 0.0 Macao,China286342.4 235.5 0.8 Malaysia90690.8 93.30.3Maldives130.0 00Mongolia3730.0 0.5181、 0.0 Nepal3640.0 0.0 0.0 Oman330.0 0.2 0.0 Pakistan34410.3 1.1 0.0 33 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Other Latin American Territories50.0 0.0 0.0 North America29455.5 39.0 2.4 Canada10191.9 2.1 0.1 United St182、ates19203.6 33.6 2.1 Bermuda60.0 3.3 0.2 Other North American Territories00 0 0 Oceania8351.6 14.0 0.9 Australia6351.2 4.5 0.3 Fiji40.0 0 0 Nauru10.000Vanuatu30.0 0 0 New Zealand1260.2 0.2 0.0 Papua New Guinea10.000Samoa570.1 8.6 0.5 Marshall Islands80.0 0.7 0.0 Other Oceanian Territories00 0 0 Sour183、ce:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Notes:If foreign investors from two or more countries(regions)jointly establish a FIE,it will be calculated in the number of new FIEs of each country(region)respectively,the total will only be calculated once.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 32 Continued TableCountr184、y(Region)Number of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Bahamas10.00 0 Barbados30.0 0.7 0.0 Belize50.0 0.0 0.0Bolivia50.0 0 0 Brazil940.2 0.2 0.0 Cayman Islands970.2 35.2 2.2 Chile230.0 0.1 0.0Columbia670.1 0 0 Dominica250.1 0 0 Costa Rica30.0 0 0 Cuba110.0 0 0 Dominican Republic 90.0 0.0 0.0Ec185、uador140.0 0 0 Grenada50.0 0 0 Guatemala30.0 0.0 0.0 Guyana00 0 0 Haiti20.00 0 Honduras10.00 0 Jamaica10.00.0 0.0Mexico460.1 0.0 0.0Nicaragua10.000Panama110.0 0.0 0.0 Paraguay0000Peru200.0 0.0 0.0El Salvador20.0 0 0 Trinidad and Tobago30.0 0.0 0.0 The Turks and the Caicos Islands00 0.0 0.0 Uruguay40186、.0 0.0 0.0 Venezuela500.1 0 0 Virgin Islands,British2030.4 68.6 4.2 Saint Kitts and Nevis70.0 0.0 0.031 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Hungary270.1 0.0 0.0Iceland30.0 0 0 Liechtenstein00 0 0 Malta60.0 0.0 0.187、0Monaco20.00 0 Norway260.1 0.5 0.0 Poland450.1 0.0 0.0Romania180.0 0.0 0.0San Marino20.000Sweden630.1 4.4 0.3 Switzerland580.1 4.5 0.3 Estonia80.0 2.9 0.2 Latvia100.0 0.0 0.0Lithuania50.0 0 0 Georgia180.0 0 0 Armenia420.1 0.0 0.0Azerbaijan730.1 0.0 0.0Belarus670.1 0.0 0.0Moldova70.0 0 0 Russia11082.188、1 0.3 0.0 Ukraine1200.2 0 0 Slovenia10.00.3 0.0 Croatia30.0 0.0 0.0Czechia(Czech Republic)130.0 0.1 0.0Slovakia30.0 0 0 North Macedonia20.000Bosnia and Herzegovina10.00 0 Serbia100.0 0.0 0.0Other European Territories0000Latin America7461.4 104.9 6.4 Antigua and Barbuda20.00.0 0.0Argentina230.0 0 0 S189、TATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 30 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Sudan670.1 0 0 Tanzania1110.2 0 0 Togo350.1 0 0 Tunisia240.0 0 0 Uganda620.1 0.0 0.0Burkina Faso320.1 0 0 Congo,DR150.0 0.0 0.0Zambia290.1 0.1 0.0Zimbabwe780.2 0.1 0.0Lesotho190、20.000Eswatini(Swaziland)10.0 0 0 Eritrea50.0 0 0 Other African Territories20.0 0.1 0.0Europe38747.2 145.1 8.9 Belgium560.1 1.8 0.1 Denmark420.1 2.1 0.1 United Kingdom5961.1 34.1 2.1 Germany4460.8 19.2 1.2 France2890.5 13.4 0.8 Ireland400.1 0.5 0.0 Italy2240.4 2.8 0.2 Luxembourg130.0 2.6 0.2 Netherl191、ands1830.3 53.6 3.3 Greece130.0 0.0 0.0Portugal230.0 0.0 0.0Spain1130.2 1.1 0.1 Albania120.0 0 0 Austria530.1 0.3 0.0 Bulgaria130.0 0.0 0.0Finland170.0 0.4 0.0 29 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Congo1120.2 0192、.0 0.0Djibouti100.0 0 0 Egypt2500.5 0 0 Equatorial Guinea50.0 0 0 Ethiopia1330.3 0.0 0.0Gabon110.0 0 0 Gambia200.0 0 0 Ghana1110.2 0.0 0.0Guinea540.1 0 0 Guinea-Bissau10.000Cte dIvoire590.1 0 0 Kenya630.1 0 0 Liberia160.0 0.0 0.0Libya530.1 0 0 Madagascar110.0 0 0 Malawi10.0 0 0 Mali1580.3 0.0 0.0Mau193、ritania220.0 0.1 0.0Mauritius50.0 0.9 0.1 Morocco950.2 0.0 0.0Mozambique50.0 0 0 Namibia50.0 0 0 Niger800.2 0 0 Nigeria7901.5 0.0 0.0Rwanda170.0 0.0 0.0Senegal810.2 0 0 Seychelles400.1 1.2 0.1 Sierra Leone220.0 0 0 Somalia290.1 0 0 South Africa700.1 0.1 0.0STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 2194、8 Continued TableCountry(Region)Number of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Palestine660.1 0 0 Philippines640.1 0.2 0.0 Qatar10.00.0 0.0Saudi Arabia710.1 0.9 0.1 Singapore14682.7 97.8 6.0 Republic of Korea18283.4 35.1 2.2 Sri Lanka260.1 0 0 Syria1340.3 0.0 0.0Thailand1700.3 0.5 0.0 Trkiye222195、0.4 0.4 0.0 United Arab Emirates720.1 22.0 1.4 Yemen4150.8 0 0 Vietnam1750.3 0.1 0.0 Taiwan(Province of China)777714.5 7.3 0.5 Kazakhstan1220.2 0.0 0.0Kyrgyzstan640.1 0 0 Tajikistan670.1 0 0 Turkmenistan500.1 0 0 Uzbekistan1420.3 0.0 0.0 Africa3095 5.8 2.7 0.2 Algeria530.1 0 0 Angola160.0 0 0 Benin2196、40.0 0 0 Botswana50.0 0 0 Burundi210.0 0 0 Cameroon1580.3 0.1 0.0 Cabo Verde10.000Central African Republic10.000 Chad190.0 0 0 Comoros50.0 0 0 27 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Appendix 4 FDI by Countries(Regions)in 2023Unit:US$100 millionCountry(Region)Number of New FIEsShare(%)Realized 197、FDI ValueShare(%)Total53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 Asia41283 76.8 1326.9 81.3 Afghanistan2260.4 0.0 0.0 Bahrain20.00 0Bangladesh1820.3 0.0 0.0 Bhutan10 0 0 Brunei40.0 0 0 Myanmar1560.3 0 0 Cambodia190.0 0.6 0.0 Cyprus100.0 0.2 0.0 Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea30.0 0 0 Hong Kong,China2105739.2 1111198、.8 68.1 India5491.0 0.0 0.0 Indonesia920.2 1.5 0.1 Iran2950.6 0 0 Iraq2280.4 0.0 0.0Israel530.1 0.5 0.0 Japan8881.7 38.9 2.4 Jordan1220.2 0.0 0.0Kuwait80.0 0 0 Laos570.1 0.00.0Lebanon530.1 0 0 Macao,China25724.8 6.6 0.4 Malaysia6821.3 2.1 0.1 Maldives50.000Mongolia880.2 0.00.0 Nepal450.1 00Oman30.0 199、0 0.0 Pakistan9491.8 0.00.0STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 26 Appendix 3 FDI by Sector in 2023Unit:US$100 millionSectorNumber of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI ValueShare(%)Total 53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry and Fishery4180.8 7.2 0.4 Mining320.1 51.4 3.2 Manu200、facturing36246.7 455.3 27.9 Production and Supply of Electricity Heat,Gas and Water5681.1 45.4 2.8 Construction6851.3 23.7 1.5 Wholesale and Retailing1801033.5 98.9 6.1 Transportation,Warehousing and Post8671.6 21.4 1.3 Accommodation and Restaurants12112.3 3.9 0.2 Information Transmission,Software a201、nd Information Technology Services37647.0 164.3 10.1 Finance3870.7 67.6 4.1 Real Estate6841.3 117.3 7.2 Leasing and Business Services1067319.9 263.8 16.2 Scientific Research and Technology Services951917.7 293.8 18.0 Water Conservancy,Environment and Public Facilities Management1230.2 5.3 0.3 Reside202、nt Services,Repair and Other Services7261.4 4.9 0.3 Education1090.2 0.6 0.0Health and Social Work1430.3 3.0 0.2 Culture,Sports and Entertainment22234.1 4.4 0.3 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.25 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Appendix 2 FDI by Industry,2005-2023 Unit:US$100 millionYearPrimar203、y IndustrySecondary IndustryTertiary IndustryNumber of New FIEsRealized FDI ValueNumber of New FIEsRealized FDI ValueNumber of New FIEsRealized FDI Value20058515.7 30027446.9 13139 271.4 20067424.4 25725452.7 15029 270.0 20078877.1 20087428.6 16918 399.5 200880310.6 12299532.6 14435 539.7 200974912.204、7 10324500.8 12369 427.2 201079616.3 11625538.6 14999 592.5 201176116.7 11630557.5 15323 665.7 201276318.1 9419524.6 14752 668.0 201362915.8 7039495.7 15253 727.7 201458913.0 5649439.2 17495 832.6 201547111.1 4981435.9 20888 908.7 201644916.5 4618402.1 22741 917.8 20175797.9 6017409.5 29047 945.6 20205、186397.1 7935482.7 51986 893.3 20194244.4 6262422.3 34224 985.5 20204054.2 4607365.5 33566 1123.7 20214305.4 5613423.4 41604 1380.8 20223624.74608570.7335271315.920233196.74879575.2485681050.7Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Note:Industry statistics are categorized by sub-sector.Some numbers may only re206、flect the data by sector,and the sum of primary,secondary and tertiary industry numbers may not equate the annual total of respective years.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 24 Continued TableYearNumber of New FIEsRealized FDI Value200737892 835.2 200827537 1083.1 200923442 940.6 201027420 1207、147.3 201127717 1239.9 201224934 1210.7 201322819 1239.1 201423794 1285.0 201526584 1355.8 201627908 1337.1 201735662 1363.2 201860560 1383.1 201940910 1412.2 202038578 1493.4 202147647 1809.6 2022384971891.32023537661632.5Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.23 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 App208、endix:Appendix 1 FDI of China,1979-2023Unit:US$100 millionYearNumber of New FIEsRealized FDI ValueTotal118012329731.41979-1982920 17.7 1983638 9.2 19842166 14.2 19853073 19.6 19861498 22.4 19872233 23.1 19885945 31.9 19895779 33.9 19907273 34.9 199112978 43.7 199248764 110.1 199383437 275.2 19944754209、9 337.7 199537011 375.2 199624556 417.3 199721001 452.6 199819799 454.6 199916918 403.2 200022347 407.1 200126140 468.8 200234171 527.4 200341081 535.0 200443664 606.3 200544019 724.1 200641496 727.2 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 22 2200018000160001400012000100008000600040002000200000Uni210、t:US$100million2005200420032002200120002006200720082009201020112012201320142015201620172018201920202021202220231614121086420Unit:%Global FDlRealized FDl Value of ChinaShare of Chinas FDlFigure 16 Global Share of China s Realized FDI Value,2000-2023Source:World Investment Report 2024,UNCTAD and MOFCO211、M FDI Statistics.21 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Table 14 ODI by Region and Economy in 2023Region(Economy)Value(US$100 million)Global Share(%)Year-on-Year Change(%)World15505.8 100.0-1.5 Developed Economies10593.2 68.3 3.5 Europe3278.6 21.1 51.2 North America4939.0 31.9 9.9 Developing E212、conomies4912.6 31.7-10.9 Africa0.6 0.0-99.3 Asia4404.2 28.4-6.4 East Asia2785.3 18.0-2.6 South Asia135.2 0.9-15.2 Southeast Asia885.1 5.7 6.2 West Asia588.8 3.8-32.5 Latin America and the Caribbean500.8 3.2-27.6 Oceania7.0 0.0-72.6 Source:World Investment Report 2024,UNCTAD.6.6 Chinas Global Share o213、f FDIAfter a strong rebound in 2021 and a drop in 2022,global FDI declined by 1.8%in 2023.The FDI of China decreased by 13.7%,ranking second in the world and first among developing countries for the 32nd consecutive year,and accounting for 12.3%of the global total.(See Appendix 14 for details)STATIS214、TICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 20 6.4 FDI by Region In 2023,global FDI were mainly seen in Asia.East Asia,South Asia and Southeast Asia accounted for 41.2%of global FDI.In addition,North America accounted for 27.1%of the global total.Table 13 FDI by Region and Economy in 2023Region(Economy)Valu215、e(US$100 million)Global Share(%)Year-on-Year Change(%)World13318.1 100.0-1.8 Developed Economies4644.0 34.9 9.0 Europe164.9 1.2 North America3612.7 27.1-4.6 Developing Economies8674.2 65.1-6.7 Africa526.3 4.0-3.4 Asia6211.4 46.6-8.4 East Asia2862.1 21.5-9.2 South Asia359.72.7-37.5 Southeast Asia2263216、.2 17.0 1.4 West Asia652.2 4.9-9.2 Latin America and the Caribbean1931.8 14.5-1.4 Oceania4.6 0.0-67.0 Source:World Investment Report 2024,UNCTAD.6.5 ODI by Region In 2023,developing economies accounted for 31.7%of global ODI,while developed economies accounted for 68.3%.19 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FD217、I IN CHINA 2024 Table 11 Top 10 Countries(Regions)for FDI in 2023 Countries(Regions)Value(US$100 million)Global Share(%)Year-on-Year Change(%)World13318.1 100.0-1.8 United States3109.5 23.3-6.4 China1632.5 12.3-13.7 Singapore1596.7 12.0 13.1 Hong Kong,China1126.8 8.5 2.7 Brazil659.0 4.9-10.2 Canada5218、03.2 3.8 9.0 France420.3 3.2-44.7 Germany367.0 2.8 33.9 Mexico360.6 2.7-0.7 Spain359.1 2.7-20.0 Source:World Investment Report 2024,UNCTAD.6.3 Top 10 Countries(Regions)for ODI In 2023,the top 10 countries(regions)for ODI were the United States;Japan;China;Switzerland;Hong Kong,China;Germany;Canada;F219、rance;Singapore and Sweden.Table 12 Top 10 Countries(Regions)for ODI in 2023Country(Region)Value(US$100 million)Global Share(%)Year-on-Year Change(%)World15505.8 100.0-1.5 United States4043.2 26.1 10.4 Japan1840.2 11.9 13.5 China1478.5 9.5-9.4 Switzerland1049.5 6.8 Hong Kong,China1042.9 6.7-1.8 Germ220、any1012.5 6.5-30.4 Canada895.8 5.8 7.9 France723.6 4.7 37.1 Singapore630.0 4.1 20.6 Sweden475.0 3.1-23.2 Source:World Investment Report 2024,UNCTAD.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 18 6.Global FDI6.1 Global FDI FlowsGlobal FDI in 2023 was US$1331.8 billion,a 1.8%decrease year-on-year,while 221、ODI was US$1550.6 billion,a 1.5%decrease year-on-year.7000 12000 17000 22000 27000 199020042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023Unit:US$100millionFDIODIFigure 15 Global FDI Flows,2000-2023Source:World Investment Report 2024,UNCTAD.6.2 Top 10 Countries(Regions)f222、or FDI In 2023,the top 10 countries(regions)for FDI were the United States;China;Singapore;Hong Kong,China;Brazil;Canada;France;Germany;Mexico and Spain.17 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 5.4 Imports and Exports by FIEsIn 2023,national imports and exports reached US$5936.0 billion,a 5.0%de223、crease year-on-year.Imports and exports by FIEs were US$1793.2 billion,a 13.6%decrease year-on-year,accounting for 30.2%of the national total.National imports were US$2556.9 billion,a 5.5%decrease year-on-year.Imports by FIEs were US$827.5 billion,a 13.1%decrease year-on-year,accounting for 32.4%of 224、the national total.National exports were US$3379.0 billion,a 4.7%decrease year-on-year.Exports by FIEs were US$965.6 billion,a 14.0%decrease year-on-year,accounting for 28.6%of the national total.(See Appendix 13 for details)199219911990198919881987198619931994199519961997199819992000200120022003200225、42005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023806040200Unit:%Share of lmports and Exports by FlEsShare of Exports by FIEsShare of lmports by FlEsFigure 14 Share of Imports and Exports by FIEs,1986-2023Source:General Administration of Customs Statistics.STATISTICAL BULL226、ETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 16 Business Revenue of industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size NationwideBusiness Revenue of Industrial FlEs above the Designated SizeShare of Business Revenue of Industrial FlEs above the Designated SizeUnit:RMB1 trillion160140120100806040200Unit:%3530252015105020227、05200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023Figure 12 Business Revenue of Industrial FIEs above the Designated Size,2005-2023 Source:China Statistical Yearbook,National Bureau of Statistics.2005 2006 200720082009 2010 2011 2012 201320142015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021228、2022202310987654321035302520151050Unit:RMB1 trillionUnit:%Business Revenue of Industrial Enterprises above the Designated Size NationwideBusiness Revenue of Industrial FlEs above the Designated SizeShare of Business Revenue of Industrial FlEs above the Designated SizeFigure 13 Total Profits of Indus229、trial FIEs above the Designated Size,2005-2023Source:China Statistical Yearbook,National Bureau of Statistics.15 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 1086420Unit:%4.61.4All Industrial enterpriesIndustrial FIEsFigure11 Growth Rates of Value Added of Industrial FIEs above the Designated Size in 2230、023Source:Statistical Communiqu of the Peoples Republic of China on the National Economic and Social Development.Note:Growth rates are calculated at comparable prices.5.3 Performance of Industrial FIEs above the Designated SizeIn 2023,the business revenue of industrial enterprises above the designat231、ed size nationwide was RMB 133439.1 billion,an increase of 1.1%year-on-year(growth rates are calculated on a comparable basis;the same below).The total profit was RMB 7685.8 billion,a decrease of 2.3%year-on-year.Among them,industrial FIEs above the designated size achieved a business revenue of RMB232、 27225.7 billion,a year-on-year decrease of 2.3%,accounting for 20.4%of that of industrial enterprises above the designated size nationwide.The total profit of industrial FIEs above the designated size reached RMB 1797.5 billion,a decrease of 6.7%year-on-year,accounting for 23.4%of that of industria233、l enterprises above the designated size nationwide.(See Appendix 12 for details)STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 14 5.Performance of FDI5.1 Fixed-Asset InvestmentIn 2023,the national total of fixed-asset investment(excluding rural households)was RMB 50303.6 billion,a year-on-year increase o234、f 3.0%.Fixed-asset investment by Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan-invested enterprises decreased by 2.7%,and fixed-asset investment by FIEs increased by 0.6%.(See Appendix 10 for details)43210-1-2-3Unit:%3.00.6-2.7National Fixed-Asset Investment(excluding rural households)Fixed-Asset Investment by Hong Ko235、ng,Macao and Taiwan-Invested EnterprisesFixed-Asset Investment by FlEsFigure 10 Growth Rates of Fixed-Asset Investment of FIEs,and Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan-Invested Enterprises in 2023Source:National Bureau of Statistics.Note:The growth rates of fixed-asset investment are calculated on a comparabl236、e basis.5.2 Value added of Industrial FIEs above the Designated SizeIn 2023,the national total of value added of industrial enterprises above the designated size increased by 4.6%,and the value added of industrial FIEs(including Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan-invested enterprises;the same below)above th237、e designated size increased by 1.4%.(See Appendix 11 for details)13 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 4.5 FDI from BRI Partner CountriesIn 2023,13693 new FIEs were established by investors from BRI Partner Countries,accounting for 25.5%of the national total.Realized FDI from these countries 238、was US$18.3 billion,accounting for 11.2%of the national total.(See Appendix 9 for details)2726252423222120191817161514131211109876543210Unit:%20132014201520162017201820192020202120222023Share of New FIEsShare of Realized FDI ValueFigure 9 FDI from BRI Partner Countries,2013-2023 Source:MOFCOM FDI St239、atistics.In 2023,the top 5 sectors with the largest amount of FDI in China from BRI Partner Countries were manufacturing,leasing and business services,scientific research and technical services,real estate,wholesale and retailing(accounting for 86.9%of the total number of newly established FIEs,with240、 realized FDI reaching 86.7%of the total).Table 10 Top 5 Sectors with the Largest Investment from BRI Partner Countries in 2023SectorNumber of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI Value(US$100 million)Share(%)Total13693100.0 182.6 100.0 Manufacturing5564.1 86.0 47.1 Leasing and Business Services151911.1 21.241、2 11.6 Scientific Research and Technical Services146010.7 20.5 11.2 Real Estate410.3 15.5 8.5 Wholesale and Retailing832660.8 15.2 8.3 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 12 4.4 FDI from Other BRICS CountriesIn 2023,1821 new FIEs were established by BRICS investors242、,accounting for 3.4%of the national total.Realized FDI from other BRICS countries was US$70 million,accounting for 0.04%of the national total.(See Appendix 8 for details)43120Unit:%20102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023Share of New FIEsShare of Realized FDI ValueFigure 8 FDI from O243、ther BRICS Countries,2010-2023Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.In 2023,the top 5 sectors with the largest amount of BRICS FDI in China were manufacturing;wholesale and retailing;scientific research and technical services;transportation,warehousing and postal services;leasing and business services(accoun244、ting for 90.5%of the total number of newly established FIEs,with realized FDI reaching 99.1%of the total).Table 9 Top 5 Sectors with the Largest Investment from Other BRICS Countries in 2023SectorNumber of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI Value(US$100 million)Share(%)Total1821100.0 0.7 100.0 Manufacturi245、ng573.1 0.3 41.3 Wholesale and Retailing121766.8 0.2 37.8 Scientific Research and Technical Services1518.3 0.1 13.9 Transportation,Warehousing and Postal Services583.2 0.04.3 Leasing and Business Services1659.1 0.01.9 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.11 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 4.3 FDI 246、from ASEAN In 2023,2887 new FIEs were established by ASEAN investors,accounting for 5.4%of the national total.Realized FDI from ASEAN was US$10.3 billion,accounting for 6.3%of the national total.(See Appendix 7 for details)10864201987 1989 1991 1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007 2009 2011 2013 247、2015 2017 2019 2021 2023Share of New FIEsShare of Realized FDI ValueFigure 7 FDI from ASEAN,1987-2023Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.In 2023,the top 5 sectors with the largest amount of ASEAN FDI in China were manufacturing,leasing and business services,real estate,scientific research and technical ser248、vices,wholesale and retailing (accounting for 80.8%of the total number of newly established FIEs,with realized FDI reaching 80.4%of the total).Table 8 Top 5 Sectors with the Largest Investment from ASEAN in 2023SectorNumber of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI Value(US$100 million)Share(%)Total2887100.0 249、102.9 100.0 Manufacturing1806.2 27.2 26.5 Leasing and Business Services61121.2 17.7 17.2 Real Estate281.0 15.1 14.7 Scientific Research and Technical Services61621.3 12.4 12.0 Wholesale and Retailing89831.110.3 10.0 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 10 4.2 FDI fr250、om the European Union In 2023,1737 new FIEs were established by the European Union investors,accounting for 3.2%of the national total.Realized FDI from the European Union was US$10.6 billion,accounting for 6.5%of the national total.(See Appendix 6 for details)1987198819891990199119921993199419951996251、199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023151050Unit:%Share of New FIEsShare of Realized FDI ValueFigure 6 FDI from the European Union,1987-2023Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Note:1.Investment from the UK is included from 1987 to 2019,a252、nd is no longer included from 2020 onward.2.In figure 7 to 9 and Appendix 4 to 9,the data for 1987-2021 exclude banking,securities and insurance industries,while these industries are included for the year 2022 and beyond.In 2023,the top 5 sectors with the largest amount of EU FDI in China were manuf253、acturing,scientific research and technology services,leasing and business services,mining,finance(accounting for 53.4%of the total number of newly established FIEs,with realized FDI reaching 95.2%of the total).Table 7 Top 5 Sectors with the Largest Investment from the European Union in 2023SectorNum254、ber of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI Value(US$100 million)Share(%)Total1737100.0 105.8 100.0 Manufacturing1629.3 66.7 63.0 Scientific Research and Technology Services40223.1 14.2 13.4 Leasing and Business Services35120.2 10.4 9.8 Mining005.3 5.0 Finance120.7 4.2 4.0 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.9 STA255、TISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 AsiaAfricaEuropeLatin AmericaNorth AmericaOceaniaOceania,0.9%North America,2.4%Latin America,6.4%Europe,8.9%Africa,0.2%Asia,81.3%Figure 4 Sources of Realized FDI Value in 2023Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Mauritius,165.2Netherlands,347.9Cayman Islands,552.9Franc256、e,216.4Samoa,332.2Britain,325.8Germany,425.7Macao,China,235.5British Virgin Islands,1935.5Singapore,1412.3Japan,1314.8Republic of Korea,1003.5United States,982.3Taiwan(Province of China),727.3Hong Kong,China,16814.9Number of FIEsRealized FDI Value(Unit:US$100 million)1000100001000001000000Figure 5 T257、op 15 FDI Sources of China as of 2023Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 8 In 2023,Asian countries(regions)accounted for 76.8%of the newly established FIEs in China,and 81.3%of the total realized FDI.African countries(regions)accounted for 5.8%of the newly establis258、hed FIEs in China,and 0.2%of the total realized FDI.European countries(regions)accounted for 7.2%of the newly established FIEs in China,and 8.9%of the total realized FDI.Latin American countries(regions)accounted for 1.4%of the newly established FIEs in China,and 6.4%of the total realized FDI.North 259、American countries(regions)accounted for 5.5%of the newly established FIEs in China,and 2.4%of the total realized FDI.Oceanian countries(regions)accounted for 1.6%of the newly established FIEs in China,and 0.9%of the total realized FDI.(See Appendix 4 for details)AsiaAfricaEuropeLatin AmericaNorth A260、mericaOceaniaOthersAsia,76.8%Others,1.7%Oceania,1.6%North America,5.5%Latin America,1.4%Europe,7.2%Africa,5.8%Figure 3 Sources of Newly Established FIEs in 2023Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.As of 2023,the number of newly established FIEs in China by the top 15 sources of FDI reached 1034 thousand,acc261、ounting for 87.6%of the national total.Realized FDI value from these top 15 sources totaled US$2.7 trillion,accounting for 94.2%of the national total.(See Appendix 5 for details)7 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 4.FDI by Source4.1 Main Sources of FDI in ChinaIn 2023,investment from the mai262、n sources of FDI in China remained stable.Categorized by investors nationality or place of registration(the same below),newly established FIEs in China by the top 15 sources totaled 39453,accounting for 73.4%of the national total.Realized FDI value reached US$158.6 billion,accounting for 97.1%of the263、 national total.Table 6 Top 15 FDI Sources of China in 2023Country(Region)Number of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI Value(US$100 million)Share(%)Total53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 Hong Kong,China2105739.2 1111.8 68.1 Singapore14682.7 97.8 6.0 British Virgin Islands2030.4 68.6 4.2 Netherlands1830.3 53.6 3.3 J264、apan8881.7 38.9 2.4 Cayman Islands970.2 35.2 2.2 Republic of Korea18283.4 35.1 2.2 United Kingdom5961.1 34.1 2.1 United States19203.6 33.6 2.1 United Arab Emirates720.1 22.0 1.3 Germany4460.8 19.2 1.2 France2890.5 13.4 0.8 Samoa570.1 8.6 0.5 Taiwan(Province of China)777714.5 7.3 0.4 Macao,China25724265、.8 6.6 0.4 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Note:If foreign investors from two or more countries(regions)jointly establish an FIE,it will be calculated in the number of new FIEs of each country(region)respectively,while it will only be calculated once in the total number.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN C266、HINA 2024 6 Continued TableProvinceNumber of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI Value(US$100 million)Share(%)Sichuan9101.7 34.9 2.1 Liaoning6161.2 33.8 2.1 Hainan17363.2 32.6 2.0 Hubei6481.2 27.3 1.7 Anhui6021.1 20.8 1.3 Hebei5211.0 17.5 1.1 Shaanxi4080.8 14.7 0.9 Hunan4690.9 14.4 0.9 Shanxi800.2 12.8 0.8267、 Jiangxi4010.8 12.8 0.8 Guangxi6571.2 12.2 0.8 Chongqing3870.7 10.5 0.6 Yunnan7451.4 8.5 0.5 Inner Mongolia1670.3 8.0 0.5 Henan4650.9 7.5 0.5 Xinjiang1450.3 6.8 0.4 Jilin1110.2 5.5 0.3 Guizhou1540.3 5.0 0.3 Ningxia230.0 4.1 0.3 Heilongjiang2430.5 2.6 0.2 Gansu470.1 1.4 0.1 Qinghai90.0 0.2 0.0 Xizang268、60.0 0.0 0.0Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.5 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 Table 4 FDI Flows to Selected Regions in 2023RegionNumber of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI value(US$100 million)Share(%)Total53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region28645.3 212.413.0 Yangtze River Economi269、c Belt1826534.0 830.750.9 Northeast Region9701.8 42.0 2.6 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Note:Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region:Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei.Yangtze River Economic Belt:Shanghai,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Anhui,Jiangxi,Hubei,Hunan,Chongqing,Sichuan,Guizhou,Yunnan.Northeast Region:Liaoning,Jilin,Heilongjiang270、.3.2 FDI by ProvinceIn 2023,the top ten provinces with the largest number of newly established FIEs were Guangdong,Shanghai,Zhejiang,Fujian,Jiangsu,Shandong,Hainan,Beijing,Sichuan,and Yunnan,adding up to 87.4%of the national total.The top ten provinces of realized FDI value were Jiangsu,Shanghai,Gua271、ngdong,Zhejiang,Shandong,Beijing,Tianjin,Fujian,Sichuan,and Liaoning,altogether accounting for 86.2%of the national total.Table 5 FDI Flows to Each Province of China in 2023ProvinceNumber of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI Value(US$100 million)Share(%)Total53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 Jiangsu34816.5 253.4 1272、5.5 Shanghai601711.2 240.9 14.8 Guangdong2168540.3 228.6 14.0 Zhejiang44518.3 202.3 12.4 Shandong25184.7 175.3 10.7 Beijing17293.2 137.1 8.4 Tianjin6141.1 57.7 3.5 Fujian37216.9 43.1 2.6 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 4 3.FDI by Region3.1 FDI by RegionIn 2023,newly established FIEs in the273、 eastern,central and western regions accounted for 87.6%,5.6%,and 6.8%of the national total respectively,and realized FDI value accounted for 87.1%,6.4%,and 6.5%respectively.Table 3 FDI Flows to Eastern,Central and Western Parts of China in 2023RegionNumber of New FIEsShare(%)Realized FDI Value(US$1274、00 million)Share(%)Total53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 Eastern4708987.6 1422.4 87.1 Central30195.6 103.7 6.4 Western36586.8 106.4 6.5 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Note:Eastern part:Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Liaoning,Shanghai,Jiangsu,Zhejiang,Fujian,Shandong,Guangdong,Hainan.Central part:Shanxi,Jilin,Heilongjia275、ng,Anhui,Jiangxi,Henan,Hubei,Hunan.Western part:Inner Mongolia,Guangxi,Chongqing,Sichuan,Guizhou,Yunnan,Xizang,Shaanxi,Gansu,Qinghai,Ningxia,Xinjiang.In 2023,newly established FIEs in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region,the Yangtze River Economic Belt,and the Northeast region accounted for 5.3%,34.0%an276、d 1.8%respectively,and realized FDI value accounted for 13.0%,50.9%and 2.6%respectively.3 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Agriculture,Forestry,Animal Husbandry&FisheryMiningManufacturingProduction and Supply of Electricity,Heat,Gas&WaterConstructionWholesale and Re277、tailingTransportation,Warehousing and PostAccommodation and RestaurantsInformation Transmission,Software and InformationTechnology ServicesFinanceReal EstateLeasing and Business ServicesScientific Research and Technology ServicesWater Conservancy,Environment and PublicFacilities ManagementResident S278、ervices,Repair and other ServicesEducationHealth and Social WorkCulture,Sports and EntertainmentUnit:%Share of NEW FIEsShare of Realized FDI ValueFigure 2 FDI by Sector in 2023Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Table 2 FDI in High-Tech Industry in 2023High-Tech IndustryNumber of New FIEsShare(%)Realized F279、DI Value(US$100 million)Share(%)Total53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 High-Tech Industry1375825.6 609.8 37.4 High-Tech Manufacturing8411.6 181.0 11.1 High-Tech Services1291724.0 428.8 26.3 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 2 2.FDI by Industry and Sector 2.1 FDI by Industr280、yIn 2023,newly established FIEs in the primary,secondary and tertiary industries accounted for 0.6%,9.1%and 90.3%of the total respectively,and realized FDI value accounted for 0.4%,35.2%and 64.4%respectively.(See Appendix 2 for details)Table 1 FDI by Industry in 2023IndustryNumber of New FIEsShare(%281、)Realized FDI Value(US$100 million)Share(%)Total53766100.0 1632.5 100.0 Primary Industry3190.6 6.7 0.4 Secondary Industry48799.1 575.2 35.2 Tertiary Industry4856890.3 1050.7 64.4 Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Note:“0.0”indicates decimals less than 0.05,and“0”indicates data equal to zero.Due to the ro282、unding-off reasons,the subentries may not add up to the aggregate totals.The remainder is the same.2.2 FDI by Sector In 2023,FDI mainly flowed to manufacturing;scientific research and technology services;leasing and business services;information transmission,software and information technology servi283、ces;real estate;wholesale and retailing;finance.Newly established FIEs in these seven sectors accounted for 86.8%,and realized FDI value accounted for 89.5%.(See Appendix 3 for details)In 2023,13758 new FIEs were established in the high-tech industry,and realized FDI value reached US$61 billion.Amon284、g them,841 new FIEs were established in high-tech manufacturing and 12917 in high-tech services,and realized FDI value reached US$18.1 billion and US$42.9 billion respectively.1 STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 1.Summary of Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)in 2023In 2023,departments of commerc285、e at all levels,in firm keeping with the decisions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council,seized the favorable opportunity of economic recovery after the turn of COVID-19 prevention and control,focused on the goal of“promoting stability and improving quality”,286、and continued to increase efforts to attract and utilize foreign investment,keeping the scale of investment at a historical high and its share of global trasnational direct investment generally stable,and promoting the continuous optimization of the structure of industries attracting investment and 287、the deepening of institutional opening up.Positive contributions have been made to the overall recovery and growth of the economy.Throughout the year,53766 new foreign-invested enterprises(hereinafter referred to as FIEs)were established in China,an increase of 39.7%compared with 2022.Realized FDI a288、mounted to US$163.3 billion,a decrease of 13.7%from 2022(See Appendix 1 for details)1.23900008000070000600005000040000300002000010000Number of FIEsUnit:US$100 million0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 1600 1800 2000 Realized FDI valueNumber of Newly Established FIEs1979-1982198319841985198619871988198289、91990199119921993199419951996199719981999200020012002200320042005200620072008200920102011201220132014201520162017201820192020202120222023Figure 1 FDI in China,1979-2023Source:MOFCOM FDI Statistics.Realized FDI refers to the amount of contractual foreign investment that is actually paid,including the290、 registered capital and working capital that is actually paid by the foreign investor,and the transaction consideration that is actually paid by the foreign investor for the transfer of the equity of the domestic investor.Before 2022,MOFCOM collected FDI data in banking,securities and insurance indu291、stries on an annual basis,and listed them as“relevant departments”in partial tables in Statistical Bulletin of FDI in China.The statistical survey program of foreign investment was revised in 2022,FDI data in banking,securities and insurance industries have been collected on a monthly basis,and will292、 not be listed separately in 2022 and beyond tables in the Bulletin.STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 4 TablesTable 1 FDI by Industry in 20232Table 2 FDI in High-Tech Industry in 20233Table 3 FDI Flows to Eastern,Central and Western Parts of China in 20234Table 4 FDI Flows to Selected Region293、s in 20235Table 5 FDI Flows to Each Province of China in 20235Table 6 Top 15 FDI Sources of China in 20237Table 7 Top 5 Sectors with the Largest Investment from the European Union in 202310Table 8 Top 5 Sectors with the Largest Investment from ASEAN in 202311Table 9 Top 5 Sectors with the Largest In294、vestment from Other BRICS Countries in 202312Table 10 Top 5 Sectors with the Largest Investment from BRI Partner Countries 13Table 11 Top 10 Countries(Regions)for FDI in 202319Table 12 Top 10 Countries(Regions)for ODI in 202319Table 13 FDI by Region and Economy in 202320Table 14 ODI by Region and Ec295、onomy in 2023213 Contents FiguresFigure 1 FDI in China,1979-20231Figure 2 FDI by Sector in 20233Figure 3 Sources of Newly Established FIEs in 20238Figure 4 Sources of Realized FDI Value in 20239Figure 5 Top 15 FDI Sources of China as of 20239Figure 6 FDI from the European Union,1987-202310Figure 7 F296、DI from ASEAN,1987-202311Figure 8 FDI from Other BRICS Countries,2010-202312Figure 9 FDI from BRI Partner Countries,2013-202313Figure 10 Growth Rates of Fixed-Asset Investment of FIEs,and Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan-Invested Enterprises in 202314Figure 11 Growth Rates of Value Added of Industrial FIE297、s above the Designated Size in 202315Figure 12 Business Revenue of Industrial FIEs above the Designated Size,2005-202316Figure 13 Total Profits of Industrial FIEs above the Designated Size,2005-202316Figure 14 Share of Imports and Exports by FIEs,1986-202317Figure 15 Global FDI Flows,2000-202318Figu298、re 16 Global Share of Chinas Realized FDI Value,2000-202322STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA 2024 2 6.4 FDI by Region206.5 ODI by Region206.6 Chinas Global Share of FDI21Appendix23Appendix 1 FDI of China,1979-202323Appendix 2 FDI by Industry,2005-202325Appendix 3 FDI by Sector in 202326Appendix 4299、 FDI by Countries(Regions)in 202327Appendix 5 FDI by Countries(Regions)as of 202334Appendix 6 FDI from the European Union,1987-202342Appendix 7 FDI from ASEAN,1987-202344Appendix 8 FDI from Other BRICS Countries,2010-202346Appendix 9 FDI from BRI Partner Countries,2013-202347Appendix 10 Fixed-Asset 300、Investment of the Country,FIEs,and Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan-Invested Enterprises,2006-202348Appendix 11 Value Added of Industrial Enterprises and Industrial FIEs above the Designated Size,1992-202349Appendix 12 Performance of Industrial Enterprises and Industrial FIEs above Designated Size,2005-20301、2350Appendix 13 Imports and Exports by FIEs,1986-202351Appendix 14 Global Share of Chinas Realized FDI Value,2000-202353Afterwords.541 Contents Contents1.Summary of Foreign Direct Investment(FDI)in 202312.FDI by Industry and Sector22.1 FDI by Industry22.2 FDI by Sector23.FDI by Region43.1 FDI by Reg302、ion43.2 FDI by Province54.FDI by Source74.1 Main Sources of FDI in China74.2 FDI from the European Union104.3 FDI from ASEAN114.4 FDI from Other BRICS Countries124.5 FDI from BRI Partner Countries135.Performance of FDI145.1 Fixed-Asset Investment145.2 Value added of Industrial FIEs above the Designa303、ted Size145.3 Performance of Industrial FIEs above the Designated Size155.4 Imports and Exports by FIEs176.Global FDI186.1 Global FDI Flows186.2 Top 10 Countries(Regions)for FDI186.3 Top 10 Countries(Regions)for ODI19STATISTICAL BULLETIN OF FDI IN CHINA2024MINISTRY OF COMMERCE OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA